Friday, April 27, 2012

9 months

9 months.  I can't believe my baby is 9 months and acts more like a toddler than a baby.  Patrick had his doctor's appointment today and apparently he's slimmed down, due to all of his mobility.

Height-30"(90th percentile)
Weight-almost 23 pounds(75th percentile)

Developments from this month:

*Saying mama and dada more frequently, although still not perfect.
*Holding his own bottle up
*Walking along furniture
*Climbing on/up everything.
*His babbling sounds more like he's trying to form words and tell stories
*Standing without support for a few seconds
*2 new teeth broke through making the total 4
*Patrick's eating quite the diverse diet and actually likes beans and peaches now.  We've fed him various fruits and vegetables, raw onions, seaweed, mushrooms, baby yogurts, peppers, etc. and he likes it all.  Except for mangos.  Really bud.  That's what you choose complain about?  Mangos?

 I can't really think of too many things because most of these he's been doing for a few weeks already.  He's a determined little man, though, and I'm afraid he'll be walking sooner than I'm ready for.  Also, just a cute, random fact about Patrick: he has to have something in each hand and it has to be two things that are similar.  If he's done playing with one type of toy, he'll drop them, pick up what he wants and then look around till he finds something like it to hold in his other hand.

Oh Patrick, you make everything in life so much sweeter.   You've developed this need to cuddle with me all the time and I have to admit, my arms get tired and my patience wears thin some days, but I love it.  I love that you love your mama. :)  We really do love you more than we can say.

 On a totally unrelated topic, I got glasses.  Yep, I've joined all you nerds. ;)  Actually, I can still see fine but my eyes have to work harder to get the focus they need which causes lots of headaches.  I felt like I was grumpy all the time because I always had a headache.  So these are my see at night-watch t.v.-need to focus on things, glasses.  Small confession, I think the right glasses can be cute and I used to tell Jon I wish I needed some because then I could have some cute glasses to wear with certain outfits.  Lame, I know.  He told me to just be happy that I could see since he's blind as a bat.
 Jon got some new ones too, he's just not here for me to take a picture.  I think men are sexy in glasses...if they pick the right kind.  I think Jon's slowly converting to my style. ;)


  1. Happy 9 Months! Time goes so quickly with babies. And you look rockin' with those glasses! How fun! You're right, sometimes glasses make a great accessory.

  2. haha Thanks Jessie! You're always too kind to me with your comments. :)

  3. Love it! I agree. Glasses can be very cute and trendy!!! You look fantastic! Hopefully those darn headaches will subside now. :)
