Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Family Pictures and other exciting news!

A few weeks ago Jessie, from Rock Creek Photography, mentioned that she was coming to the Rexburg area and was open for a couple photo shoots.  Jon and I realized we still hadn't gotten pictures on our land before we started digging and I jumped on the chance to have them done that weekend.  So, we all woke up nice and early to meet by 7:30.  Aiden was a little cranky for the whole shoot because 1-he doesn't appreciate being woken up to be taken out into the cold 2-he hadn't had his breakfast yet.  Patrick, on the other hand, turned into our little cute model.  He had no problem with the camera. 

I already added some of my favorites from Patrick and Aiden but here a few other pictures from that photo shoot.



I was happy that we had those pictures taken because within the next two weeks this happened:
We started our house!  We might have been a little excited that day and took about 20 trips to our land just to see if a hole was being dug.

This was before:
And this is now:
 This top picture is looking at the house from the garage side.

And this is from the opposite side.  It's hard to see the garage at the back.
On Tuesday(10/14/14) they dug the hole and then today they poured the cement for the footings.  I don't know the whole process but I do know that in a couple weeks, they will start framing.  Right now it doesn't look like much but we are sooo excited to finally be starting this whole process. 

And in case you haven't seen enough pictures in this post...
Sometimes Aiden grabs a blanket, lays down on the kitchen floor and takes a little break.  Poor guy has such a busy life.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Aiden at 18 months

Mr. Aiden.  My little man.  Sweet, little Aiden.  My little cuddle buddy.

This picture means a whole lot to me right now.  It perfectly sums up our relationship.
 You have become attached at my hip lately.  Or anyone's really.  You love to be held and cuddled with.  It's definitely tough when I'm trying to get things done and I might complain a little bit but I love your hugs.  I love your open display of affection and I love your smiles.  I can never get tired of your smiles.  One of your smiles can lighten the darkest of days.  Don't even get me started when you giggle as well.  Just thinking about it almost makes me want to go wake you up from your bed just so I can get another little smile and giggle out of you.  Almost. ;)

Your vocabulary has just started increasing.  For the longest time you only favored a few words: mama, dada, baba and nana(banana).  It's no wonder why banana and bottle would be your second and third words considering the fact that I think you would be perfectly happy to only eat/drink those the rest of your life.  However, lately you've started adding quite a few words including: dow(down), up, no, yeah!, pwea(please), tay oo(thank you), luff oo(love you), I, hi, bye, ball, Abby, opay(open), ahma(grandma), shoe, eye, mow(mouth), no(nose).  I know there are more but it's hard to remember at the moment. You also looove making animal noises.  Preferably the pig, horse and cow.  Most definitely the pig, though.  You love pointing out animals in real life as well as in books or with toys.  You also love pointing to various body parts and copying what we say but you have the face down pretty well.

  I want to say you're the sweetest baby known to man, but lately you have developed a little temper.  Although it pretty much only comes out when Patrick takes one of your toys or you want food.  We know where your priorities are. ;)  Oh, and that stubborn streak in has definitely started to come out full force.  I have to recruit your dad to feed you most days because for some reason, he's the only one that can get you to eat certain foods.

Favorite toys at the moment would have to be balls and little things to hold in your hand whether it be mini cars or animal figures.  I was afraid you would take after your brother with a love of cars, simply because you see him playing with them a lot, but I'm glad you're showing your own interest in things.  You love to climb and be outside and do anything active.  You also love playing the piano with your brother.  It's interesting to watch because you both already have very unique touches when you play.  Patrick just goes with it with full force and you keep it a lot more delicate.  Even when you're trying to play loud.
  Little one, you make it hard for me to get after you.  Even when you're in time out, I can't help but smile when I see you crossing your arms and tapping your foot, waiting patiently until I'm done counting.  You have a light that is contagious.  We love you more than life itself.

Mom and Dad

3 year old Patrick


You turned 3 years old a couple months ago and I can hardly believe you're getting so big.  When did you grow up into such a little man?  You have developed quite the little personality and I am so blessed to be your mom.

I'm not going to lie, this last year has had a lot of rough moments.  You have quite the little attitude, little man.  Life has had it's share of trials in your little life and I worry that our stress has rubbed off onto you.  You are our guinea pig and we are constantly changing our game plan with you but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love you.  All of you.  Every little stubborn, feisty, loving, adorable, aggravating side of you.  Thank you for teaching your dad and I patience.  We definitely need it with your defiance.

We're making progress though.  We're all learning.  I've learned that your heart is soo big, bud.  So big.  And you have no bubble.  You want people around you at all times and you love the attention.  That's something that I've had a hard time understanding because we're different in a lot of ways.  You teach me, everyday, how to love more deeply.  How to hold those that are dear to us closely. 

You are a passionate one.  Sometimes that's difficult because if you want a toy you're passionate about, we have to have a little lesson on being a little more gentle with other kids.  It's another trait that I'm learning from.  You've been pretty passionate about cars for the last couple years and your vast collection of cars can prove that.  I'm still amazed that you can keep track of all those names.  Even mommy has a hard time keeping track of them all.

Lately, I've been able to see how you have quite the creative mind.  You've started replacing your cars with crayons, scissors(thanks to pre-school), paper, markers, play doh, etc.  You love to draw and create things.  You've taken a big interest in my violin and in the piano and I love hearing you say, "mom, I just want to make music!"  I love seeing this side of you coming out and I hope you have a passion in the arts someday.

Oh, Patrick.  We love you.  We love you more than I can say.  I have so many days where it is so hard to have patience because you think it's funny to aggravate us, but even then...I still love you.  I can't imagine life without my little buddy and I'm grateful you have patience as we figure this parenting thing out.
Thanks for keeping life entertaining.

Mom and Dad

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Normally I write a little post about how I'm depressed that the weather starts getting cold in September, but this year I'm kind of excited.  Fall/winter means progress on our house, and dressing up two little boys who are remembering the fun of Halloween, and then there's Thanksgiving, and Christmas! Anytime we go outside when it's chilly, Patrick brings up the fact that snow is coming so we can get out his sled.  And I have to admit that I'm actually looking forward to it. Talk to me again in February, but as of right now, I'm enjoying the fact that it's fall. ;)  

I have a lot of pictures on my phone from this past month so prepare for a picture overload.

Since Patrick goes to preschool part of the week, Aiden gets to go run errands with me by himself.
In my opinion, he was the cutest little shopper at the Dollar Store.  Just waiting in line to buy his stickers.
I openly admit that I get stir crazy and have to get out of the house.  That's probably the number one reason why winter is hard on's too cold to just get out with the boys!  Even though it's been turning cold, we've taken full advantage of the fact that there's a school playground 2 minutes away from our house.  I loooove the fact that our boys are going to the same school I went to.  I even found out that some of my old teachers are still teaching at the school.  FYI: Hibbard Elementary has the coolest playground.
One morning, Patrick woke up just as I was about to go on a long run and he insisted on going with me.  My first response was to tell him to play with toys until I got back but he really wanted to go and I really want him to 1-enjoy having some one-on-one time 2-love being active.  And we both loved every second of that run.  Probably one of my most enjoyable runs...ever.
Not my best picture ever but it was so fun having Patrick as my running buddy.  Not to mention, I was so proud of him!  3 years old and he ran just under a mile in a little over 10 minutes.  This boy has soooo much energy.  I may not have gotten in my miles for the morning, but sometimes that just doesn't even matter.

Speaking of running...I ran my first half marathon!
I've been running for awhile now and it's only been recently that I've extended my runs.  Really, my thyroid was the key so once that was fixed, running really became more mental than anything.  I was making little victories on distance and realized that I had no reason that I couldn't run a further distance.  Frankly, I was tired of seeing other people go farther distances and me wondering why I couldn't.  The morning that I took this picture was when I decided to run until I couldn't go any farther.  My ipod died at mile 9 so that's when I stopped. ;)
However, I'd had a break through mentally and decided to just go the distance of the half marathon because I knew it was possible.
I should really stop taking unflattering pictures in the middle of working out, with no makeup on.
So, I took a little run out to the river that I used to bike to during triathlon training.  I'll admit, I was a little tired after that one and to prevent injuries, I've had to cut back on mileage in the last couple weeks.  But I finished in 2:04 so I was pretty happy about that.  
Running has become my therapy.  On days that I run, I definitely have more patience as well as a boost in my self-esteem.  Gotta love those natural endorphins. :)  Anyway, I guess I'm crazy because marathon training has started and I'm pretty darn excited.  I'm thinking I should do one in California.  I need something to look forward to when I'm tired of the never-ending winter. ;)