Sunday, April 3, 2016


This last week, we ended up going to Utah for a quick little mini trip.  We stayed with Uncle Derek and my cousin Aaron and Aaron was kind enough to volunteer showing us around at the airport that he works.  The boys have been into planes lately so they were really excited to see them up close and get to go inside them.

Both boys wanted to buckle their stuffed animal in next to them.

 And Aiden got to sit in the pilot's seat!  He was fascinated with all the buttons and really wanted to touch that steering wheel.
 Both boys were a little disappointed that the plane was going to actually fly but they were ready for a ride but they still loved it.  It's always nice to get away, even if it's only for a couple days!


Easter was great this year.  The boys are actually still on a sugar high because they got so much candy from it.  They were also so excited to see what the Easter bunny brought for them because Patrick had heard that the Easter bunny brings candy AND toys.  So yeah, they kind of acted like it was Christmas morning.  Actually, I think they got up earlier for Easter than they did for Christmas...
Anyway, after Easter baskets and a little candy eating for breakfast, we went to Grammy and Grandpa Blackburn's house for an egg hunt with the cousins.  There were soo many eggs and both boys knew exactly what to do this year.


 And a picture with all the kids.
 After some play time, we went to Grandma Clifford's house for another egg hunt.  They were in heaven.  Patrick was especially enthusiastic about the whole thing.
 So, most of the eggs were free game but a few had an A on them for Aiden and a P on them for Patrick.  Surprisingly, both boys loooved that idea but Aiden especially did.  He was obsessed with finding his letter but if an egg didn't have a letter on it, he wouldn't take it.  He'd run up to one, look on it while we'd be saying, "put it in your basket!" and then he'd chuck it on the ground and say that he didn't want that one.

We finished the weekend off with a more low-key Sunday, remembering Christ, and dinner at our house.  It was great and holidays are always so special with little ones.  

3 year old Aiden

I'm behind in posting this but on March 14th, Aiden turned 3!  We tried to keep it low key but he did request that he wanted all his cousin friends over.  

We made some homemade light sabers for the kids, baked some cupcakes and called it good.  Aiden was pretty excited to wake up in the morning, though, and see all the "swords" and presents.  We were going to wait to have him open presents until later in the day but he was so excited and I can never resist his adorable pleas so we had breakfast while opening presents.

This is the only picture I got from later in the day.  Aiden had gotten a helmet and scooter so he was pretty excited to wear the helmet around.
It's hard to describe our little Aiden.  He's become quite feisty and has a lot of personality.  He's witty and adorable in the things he says.  He's decided that it's time to push the boundaries and see what he can get away with(because really, up until this point I've been useless in not giving into him) so that's been a struggle.  But really, it's mainly been a struggle because this little boy has been my peace and sanctuary up to this point.  It might sound weird but even in his feisty stage, he's still our peace maker.  He loooves to cuddle and is always up for a good movie session curled up on my lap.  He loves to play with his brother and is usually the one to give in when there's a fight over toys.  His vocabulary is crazy and overall he's just an insanely smart little boy.  Really, I can't say enough about this little boy.  He has us laughing every single day.  Whether we have more kids or not in the future, I think I'll always think of him as my baby.  My little man.  Our calm in the storm at times.

Happy Birthday, little Aiden!  We love you.