Sunday, July 5, 2015

4th of July

We had our first holiday in our new house!  It was pretty low key but still a really great day.  That morning we decided to go to the Rexburg parade, last minute, but I'm glad we did because the boys ended up loving it.  Everything is a party to Patrick as long as there are people there so as soon as we left he started asking why we were leaving the party and if there could be another party tomorrow with lots of candy.  It really was adorable watching them stand out in the street, hoping that one of the floats would throw out candy.  Patrick was sort of go getter about it but Aiden really just stood back and watched.  We had to prod him just to grab a candy right next to his foot.  The boys really are polar opposites in everything.  But I love it.  Their opposite personalities help them get a long and they truly are best friends.

Anyway, after the parade it was barbeque time with our families!  Other than charcoal grills being the most ridiculous way to cook hamburgers(we'll get it next time, Jon;)), we had a great time relaxing and lighting a few fireworks.  This was the only time I got a few pictures, and it really was only because someone reminded me that the boys looked cute helping their dad and that I should have pictures.  
I don't know why these pictures have a glow about them, other then it was ridiculously bright outside.

Everyone went home, we decided to do what we do best and relax for a little bit before dinner.  Then I made an incredibly patriotic dinner of stir fry, which no one was in the mood for and which we ended up throwing away(in our defense, I had made it two days earlier and then didn't get around to eating it so really it was just leftovers) and then went to my mom's house to set off the rest of our fireworks.  We didn't go all fancy with fireworks this year and for the most part, they were really not that exciting but watching the kids...watching the kids made it so worth it.  I am constantly being reminded by my boys how to truly find joy out of the little and big things in life.  Thank goodness for little children.  We had planned to go to the bigger fireworks later that night with the boys but 8:30, everyone was exhausted, mostly the little ones, and we decided bedtime and planning my primary singing time lesson was a way better plan than staying up until midnight.  When did we become old?

And just a few pictures from this last week:
 Look at that cute little man.  I teach every morning and if the boys wake up before I'm done, they get a little Ipad time in mom and dad's bed.
This picture might not look like much but one day I was out on a run and this scenery struck me as really beautiful.  I'm not sure if I've confessed this before, but as much as I love my place in life and love having a home, I never really thought I would stay in Idaho.  Ever since high school, I thought I would move away.  3 years ago we realized that was not in our plans and we felt really strongly that our home would be in Idaho.  For the most part, I was ok with it but sometimes I would "grieve" my loss at experience living somewhere...I don't know...warm.  For growing up in the country, I've never loved the country life and I had quite a few dreams.  Anyway, tangent.  So, one day I was running along these country roads that I've run numerous times over the years and I was struck with how right everything is.  How right it is for us to be here.  How beautiful this country life is.  How blessed I am to have what I have and to raise my children in the greatest surroundings we could give them.  I still have dreams of something other than Idaho but I know that's later.  And until then, the view above has been my sanctuary and peace.

And lastly, look at that goofball.  Training in the lake days have started and I'm lucky that my little family loves coming with me.  After having swim lessons, Patrick has really become brave in the water and kicks around like a little fish.  The goggles(or as he calls them, bubblegubbles?...I don't know.) in this picture just crack me up.  Upside down, too big...this kid is the spice in life.  Sometimes too much spice but we love him. ;)