Friday, April 27, 2012

9 months

9 months.  I can't believe my baby is 9 months and acts more like a toddler than a baby.  Patrick had his doctor's appointment today and apparently he's slimmed down, due to all of his mobility.

Height-30"(90th percentile)
Weight-almost 23 pounds(75th percentile)

Developments from this month:

*Saying mama and dada more frequently, although still not perfect.
*Holding his own bottle up
*Walking along furniture
*Climbing on/up everything.
*His babbling sounds more like he's trying to form words and tell stories
*Standing without support for a few seconds
*2 new teeth broke through making the total 4
*Patrick's eating quite the diverse diet and actually likes beans and peaches now.  We've fed him various fruits and vegetables, raw onions, seaweed, mushrooms, baby yogurts, peppers, etc. and he likes it all.  Except for mangos.  Really bud.  That's what you choose complain about?  Mangos?

 I can't really think of too many things because most of these he's been doing for a few weeks already.  He's a determined little man, though, and I'm afraid he'll be walking sooner than I'm ready for.  Also, just a cute, random fact about Patrick: he has to have something in each hand and it has to be two things that are similar.  If he's done playing with one type of toy, he'll drop them, pick up what he wants and then look around till he finds something like it to hold in his other hand.

Oh Patrick, you make everything in life so much sweeter.   You've developed this need to cuddle with me all the time and I have to admit, my arms get tired and my patience wears thin some days, but I love it.  I love that you love your mama. :)  We really do love you more than we can say.

 On a totally unrelated topic, I got glasses.  Yep, I've joined all you nerds. ;)  Actually, I can still see fine but my eyes have to work harder to get the focus they need which causes lots of headaches.  I felt like I was grumpy all the time because I always had a headache.  So these are my see at night-watch t.v.-need to focus on things, glasses.  Small confession, I think the right glasses can be cute and I used to tell Jon I wish I needed some because then I could have some cute glasses to wear with certain outfits.  Lame, I know.  He told me to just be happy that I could see since he's blind as a bat.
 Jon got some new ones too, he's just not here for me to take a picture.  I think men are sexy in glasses...if they pick the right kind.  I think Jon's slowly converting to my style. ;)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cute nakedness

Sorry Patrick, your bum is too cute not to share. 

 Ever since Patrick learned to crawl, diaper changes have been...less than desirable.  This is him wanting to play a game in the middle of his diaper change.  He likes to "run" along the couch and when we catch him and tickle him, he starts laughing like it's the greatest thing on earth.   

The other night, Jon was helping me bathe Patrick.  I went to go get something and when I came back, Jon and Patrick(meaning, Jon) had spelled out that saying on the wall.  I love my boys. 

FYI-On a totally unrelated topic, we sold our bronco!  Moment of silence.  Yes, Jon and I had our first date  driving that car...9 years ago.  Our first kiss(my first kiss ever) happened by that car, drive-ins, mud bogging(what hicks we are),  it was our first married car, etc.  In other words, lots of memories.  Good bye Bronco.  We sure loved you and I hope your new owner knows what a great car you are...despite the fact that you have no air-conditioning or heat, your engine makes lots of loud noises, and fumes come through your vent...(yes, we told them the problems before selling it)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

3 whole years

I've been lazy and haven't updated for a whole week(somehow it feels longer than that) but I just thought I would mention that Jon and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary! (Thank you Erika for reminding me what the date was while we were in Utah)  Going to Utah was sort of our anniversary so we didn't do a lot on the actual day, but we spent it swimming at the pool and driving back to Rexburg.  I just have to say I'm incredibly lucky that Jon felt like he could put up with me for eternity and that life together seems to get better every year.  I think we now qualify as an old married couple. Oh yeah, and next year I'm going to make Jon write our anniversary post describing how great  I am to put up with him. ;)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I love everything about Easter.  Candy, Easter outfits, spring weather(most of the time), and of course, celebrating/remembering the whole reason behind Easter.

We, as always, celebrated at both parent's houses.  However, I forgot the memory card in my computer on Sunday so I didn't get any pictures from Sunday's events.

First Easter egg hunt!

Jon has his break between semesters this week so we decided to go to Utah!  Our first stop: Ben and Erika's house.  Patrick loved them.  It was nice to catch up and I wish we lived closer!  Maybe someday...  thanks again for letting us stay, Ben and Erika!

On tuesday we hung out in Salt Lake and then met up with our friends, Braden and Kari, later that night.  Jon and I have been friends with Braden for quite awhile but we haven't seen him or his wife much in the last few years so it was nice to hang out.

  I have an unhealthy love of staying in hotels so we decided to stay in one that night.  And, of course, we took advantage of the pool!  Sooo fun.

Lastly, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Blackburn's house but unfortunately I didn't get pictures.  They are such great people and it was nice to just catch up.  We're glad to be home now but I have to say it's nice to get out of Rexburg once in awhile.  Once a month would be preferable but I'll take what I can get. ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A little outing

Nothing beats a warm day and a lunch date to the park with people you're kinda crazy about.

Something to be noted: this is the first time ever that I personally have curled my hair and gone out in public.  Yeah, I'm finally trying to learn how to do my hair and it's only taken me...25 years.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


I know I just wrote a post but Jon and Patrick were playing tonight and I thought it was too cute not to share.  No one can get Patrick to laugh like his dad can.

Good food, good company and good messages

Can I just say, I love President Monson?  I love conference weekend and I love the gospel.  It's always refreshing to hear messages from the leaders of our church.  

After Saturday conference, we went and had dinner with all of Jon's family because Mike and Aubree are leaving to Virginia for the summer.  It's always quite a contrast to my family because there are soo many kids!  As Jen said, all of us adults are getting outnumbered.  

On Sunday, we went to my parent's house and ate our usual conference breakfast with some delicious quiche and, new to this year, crepes.  Yum.  

I'm just adding these next pictures because I think it's so cute that Patrick just sat on the ottoman, happily eating his pears.  He's getting soo big!

I love his face in these last pictures.  I admit it, I'm in love with this boy. ;)

Side note: We saw Hunger Games this weekend.  Liked it, not loved it.  I really enjoyed the books but the first half of the movie wanted to make me puke.  Who likes the camera technique where they shake the camera everywhere?  I know that has nothing to do with the story, Jon and I just had a hard time watching the first hour.  Aside from that, I had a hard time watching the idea of the story line.  Reading it, I could skip over or skim quickly through certain parts but I get way too involved in movies and parts of it just wanted to make me sick.  I know they didn't show a lot of the kills but it was still hard for me.  But, I would definitely still recommend the movie, just not if you have a sensitive stomach. :)