Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day was spent with lots of family
 And some big tool shopping.  I loved seeing the boys excitedly going through the tool store with their dad and learning all about that world from him.

 Memorial day 2016
Memorial day for the last 4 years.  It's amazing how much we've all changed over the last 4 years.

Last day of preschool

Patrick's second year of preschool is done and now he gets to go off to kindergarten next year!  I'm a little sad but honestly, I'm mostly really excited.  I think it will be good for both of us and I think he'll love it.
Our traditional selfie
 Patrick with his teacher that he loved.  He's sad that she won't be his kindergarten teacher.

May Randoms

If I were more on top of this blogging thing, I would do several different posts but I'll just sum it up and say that May was full of birthdays and lots of fun family get togethers.

Birthday number 1, althought I can't remember which cousin's birthday this was...

I just love all of Aiden's expressions in these.
 A little fun at the doctor's office with me.

 Birthday number 2.  Afton's birthday!
 Birthday number 3.  Derek turns forty!
 Jon's birthday was actually the first one in May and this definitely deserves it's own post if I had more time.  But Jon turned 30 this year!  And then I turned 30 at the end of the month.  Really, I think neither of us had as hard of a time as we thought and we just feel more and more lucky all the time to have each other.  He's a good one. :)
 Preschool days coming to an end

 My boys making breakfast on Mother's Day.  It was such a sweet sight to see in the morning.


Ever since I started dating and married a soccer player, and then found out our first child was a boy, I have  been fantasizing about watching our little boy out on a soccer field.  This year that fantasy finally came to real life and it has been soo fun watching Patrick run his little heart out.

It was freezing outside on the first day of soccer!

My little stud with his bed head.
This is how Aiden and I chill during the soccer games

 I was excited to be out with our little boy
But daddy was even more excited.
Patrick is definitely a high energy kid and this has been good for him.  Some games, he is so focused and will score multiple goals and other days he can barely focus long enough to keep track of where the ball is but no matter what, I love watching that little boy doing his thing.