Friday, November 9, 2012

First haircut

If you know me very well, you know that there are a few things I can't handle in life.  One of those things happens to be a family with hairstyles that look like a mullet.  Call me vain, but if Jon had had a haircut that even slightly resembled a mullet, I wouldn't have given him a second glance.  So, when people started mentioning how Patrick's hair looked like it was turning into a mullet, it had to go.  Nothing feels better than living in a trailer park and being told your son has a mullet. ;)    So even though you might not be able to see a huge difference in Patrick's before and after pictures; believe me, there is.

This is Patrick's before picture.  Really, he's decided the camera is not as cool as he originally thought so pictures are really difficult nowadays but if you look closely, you can kind of see how long his hair goes in the back.  It's even longer towards the middle of the neck.

And these are his after pictures.  Mainly we just cleaned it up in the back, along the front and around his ears.

Goodbye nasty mullet.

I thought it would be appropriate to add these next pictures because while the above pictures look like Patrick was perfectly happy with us cutting his hair, he wasn't.

And he made sure to vocalize his displeasure throughout the whole process.

But all that torture was totally worth it.  He'll thank me someday. :)


On a totally unrelated topic, I forgot to add some Halloween pictures.  I know we've been done with Halloween for a couple weeks now but it was Patrick's first time with his own pumpkin so I thought I should add them on here.
 Patrick is obsessed with spatulas, forks and dogs so I tried carving those into his pumpkin(yeah, I'm really creative like that).  However, it kind of looks like I carved a pig with a pitch fork and a shovel, or glass of wine or something.  How adorable right....?

After carving Patrick's pumpkin, I was lazy(I don't like cleaning out pumpkins) and decided to paint mine.  The top just says Happy Halloween.

My mom was making yummy cookies while Karolyn and I were being artistic...or at least trying to be. Jon was pretty much sitting at the kitchen table working on homework.

Friday, November 2, 2012

And, baby #2 is a...........


Well, it looks like all who guessed(which was one-thank you Jessie for guessing, I would have felt dumb if no one had commented. haha) a boy were right!  Patrick is going to have a baby brother and we are really excited about it.  Not gonna lie....I felt like this one was a girl and I started hoping for a girl.  But honestly, when you see that sweet face in an ultrasound and put a gender to the baby, pregnancy seems more real, the baby becomes a little human being(at least for me that's when reality really sets in) and I love this little boy already.  100 times more than I did yesterday.  Hopefully they grow up to be those brothers that are best friends and not the brothers that constantly fight(like it's even possible to keep siblings from fighting each other) and hate each other. ;)

I mean, how could I not be excited to have another sweet little face smiling at me that looks like this?  The ultrasound already showed that this baby has a round face with chubby cheeks and a tall forehead, just like Patrick.  Yay for lots of boys!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The cutest little tiger

You know you're a little too excited for the festivities to begin when you're willing to wake your child up from a deep sleep like this, just so you can put a tiger costume on him and take him to a trunk-or treat party.  Patrick didn't forgive me for the next hour.

This was Patrick before his nap time.  We decided to start off the Halloween day by showing him off at Karolyn's work.  FYI: the people at Zion's Bank give out the good candy on Halloween.  You can kind of see the candy bars in Patrick's hands-he was not willing to give that chocolaty goodness up. 

This is right before we went to Fat Cats for the trunk-or-treat.

 After our little trunk-or-treat thing, we stopped to trick-or-treat at the Blackburn home.  Don't little kids look soo cute dressed up as furry animals?  Jon wanted to put Patrick in something cool, like a super hero, but I held my ground and made Patrick wear something cute and cuddly.  Next year Jon will probably win in the costume department with Patrick because then I'll have another little baby to dress up in a cuddly costume...weird.

By this time, Patrick had it figured out that today was the only day of the year that we would so freely give him candy.  He was in sugar heaven but we also paid for that a little later at Grandma Clifford's house when he was in desperate need for real food.

Then we headed over to trick-or-treat and eat yummy food at Grandma Clifford's house.  I think I ate a few too many donuts last night.

 I know the picture color/quality is super crappy(yeah, I don't know how to take pictures) but I had to get a picture with Patrick.  I tried to get more pictures of Patrick at my mom's house but, like I said earlier, he was having little meltdowns and wanted to cuddle or eat.  I think in this picture he's watching my mom dish up his soup.  After dinner time, I was exhausted(dang pregnancy) and lost all motivation for picture taking.  Maybe next year...
I hope everyone else had a good Halloween.  Maybe next year I'll get the motivation to dress up our whole family.  Growing up, my parents were always good about getting us in the Halloween spirit.  My dad had this Igor costume that he would scare his Jr. High kids with, and my mom would make chili and donuts and it was always a party.  I was a little slow getting on the, Halloween is fun, band-wagon but I really am starting to get excited to make Halloween special for my kids, just as my parents always did for us.  

And, to end this post, I had to add another pregnancy picture because...I'm halfway done!  Morning sickness is still there but getting better and better so now I'm just getting anxious to find out the gender.  We find out tomorrow sooo, does anyone have any guesses!?  I love getting comments on here so feel free to guess away. ;)