Monday, November 18, 2013

Our Weekend

This weekend we caught the lovely bug that is going around.  Luckily, Jon and the kids weren't too bad but I was pretty useless.  Even though it seemed like kind of a crappy weekend, I was really lucky because the sickness seemed to hit right around when Jon was getting off of work.  Being the incredibly sweet husband he is, he took care of the kids while I laid in bed and moaned...literally. ;) There are some advantages to being cooped up in a house all weekend.  We had a lot of quality family time that almost made the sickness worth it. Almost.

Throwing two boys in a bathtub is a good way for them to get some energy out while you can just sit and watch.  I put bubble bath in there to make it even more exciting.  The bubbles were quite a hit.  I love how pale Patrick looks next to Aiden.

By the end of the weekend we were all in need of some fresh air and went outside to "play" in the snow, even though it had mostly melted by then.  If you can't tell, we haven't gotten Patrick snow clothes that fit yet(although I just ordered some tonight!).  He's growing like a weed!

I tried to put Aiden in Patrick's snow suit from a couple years ago and it was a little snug.
 I think he lasted a whole two seconds of sitting up before he fell over and started crying.  It was like watching the little kid in Christmas Story.  His little arms and legs were stuck in that position.  If you can't tell, he loved it and being the great mom that I am, I stood over him laughing and taking pictures.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Aiden @ 8 months

  Yesterday Aiden turned 8 months.  He doesn't seem that old yet!  In some ways I can tell he's growing up but in other ways he still seems like such a little baby.  Completely different than Patrick.  Aiden acts like he wants to be a big boy but his little body just hasn't caught up yet.  He sees Patrick running around and wants to join in but so far he's only mastered the crawl.  He's standing up and walking along everything so I'm pretty sure walking will be in the near future(I'm talking in the next couple months) if he continues to be persistent.  He wants to eat with us as well but the poor little guy does not handle anything besides mush yet, so even though he desperately wants to eat off our plates, I have to break out the baby food peas.  He's not picky though, so he pretty much eats any mush I put in front of him.  I fed the same stuff to Patrick when I was pregnant with Aiden, so every meal time brings back a slight feeling of morning sickness.  I love it.

  Little facts about Aiden:
-He still has zero teeth but I'm guessing he'll get in some soon because he's been unusually cranky this week
-He still drools like a maniac
-No official first words or anything but he loves to talk and say mamama, dadadada, badadbada...or scream happy squeals.  He loves the sound of his own voice
-This past week we decided to let Aiden and Patrick sleep in the same room together and overall they've done really well.  Wednesday night was not so hot but that they're getting used to it.
-He usually sleeps from 9:30-7:30 or 8, although it was pretty much from 9:30-9:30 before daylight savings.  Dang you time changes.
-He takes one long nap(3-4 hours) a day or two shorter naps during the day.  I've started doing the one nap thing since it's super nice having two kids sleeping for three hours at the same time.  Yes, Patrick still does the 3 hour nap thing.  It's really great.
-Like I said, he's crawling and standing up to everything
-He's pretty content playing with toys on his own but he loves it when Patrick includes him.
-He's sorta a momma's boy.  Sorta might be an understatement
-He's pretty happy with anyone who holds him still
-He's quick to smile
-Quick to laugh
-He adores his older brother.

Aiden likes to bring everything to his mouth.  Everything.  Did I mention everything?  Patrick never went through that phase so I sometimes forget that if any little thing is on the floor, Aiden will find it and bring it to his mouth. We made homemade play dough yesterday and I thought it was a good mommy moment.  Patrick had fun making it, Aiden loved watching...and then we started playing with it.  Aiden decided it was no good unless he could eat it and had a breakdown whenever I'd pry it out of his mouth.  It was honestly the first time we've ever had to stop a certain behavior of his because he's always been so mellow but he really thought his life was ending.  Big time breakdown. Patrick got upset because Aiden tried to eat his play dough and the whole thing ended up being a big crying fest.  Mommy fail.  But, I tried.  And then I put them both down for a nice, long nap.

Break out the Mater riding!  In a little house.  No problem.

 Standing!  A favorite activity.
 And because I have this weird obsession of taking trips down memory lane of what Patrick was like at that age...
Patrick at 8 months

And in case I haven't added enough pictures of my two boys on here...
Brothers.  Such a sweet bond.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Family Pictures

We had our pictures taken a couple months ago and I'm just getting around to posting them on here.  I could post them all on here but that would take awhile so here are some of my favorites.  Thanks, Aubree(Spellbound Photography), for taking them!  I think my little family is pretty cute. :)

Monday, November 4, 2013


A lot of little things happened in October that I didn't get around to documenting so prepare for a lot of pictures and randomness to get everything in one post.

We were lucky enough to have a few days of reaaally good weather so we took advantage of that and went to the park.  When we move, I'm really going to miss having two parks within walking distance.  Have I mentioned we bought land and are going to build our very own house?  Yeah, I'm excited, too.  Considering our dream house requires a little saving for, don't plan on an update on that until next year.

It was super bright, obviously, but I just liked this picture for some reason.

His eyes...I could stare at him all day long but that might look weird, and slightly creepy.

Yeah, I don't know.  I wanted a picture of Patrick so I made him sit in the street...His smile is pretty cute though.  Every time a car would start to get close to us he'd run away from the street and yell, "Oh no! Cars!"  I think we've effectively taught him that it's better not to get in their way.

If you can't tell, I always go to the park when it's extremely bright outside.  Patrick has finally decided the swings aren't terrifying and wanted to swing all afternoon.  I put Aiden in the swing and he took to it right away.  Great afternoons at the park will be missed.  This cold weather is really working down my mood.  Can winter be over yet? ;)

Also, I mentioned in my last post that I played for a rock production.  I was really excited(insert sarcasm) when I heard they were painting our faces and doing our hair but I ended up just going with it all and really enjoyed being apart of the whole experience.  In a weird way, I'll miss the long, late hours of rehearsals and shows.  Brought me back to college days for a little bit. :)  And some...all...of those guys could really sing.  Being surrounded by great musicians who lay it all on the table in a performance can be really exciting.
Jon Peter Lewis, McKenzie Zenger, Me, David Clay, Maddie Stephens, Garret Sherwood
Kami had a big surprise birthday party and I was lamo and got a total of one picture.
Luckily someone took a picture on their phone so we have a picture of the gang.  Happy 30th Kami!

Oh, and we can't forget Halloween!
 Cute baby+cuddly animal costume=perfection

 These faces make life so worthwhile.

I tried to free hand a Mater truck for Patrick but it only kinda worked...but, I tried.

Maybe my next post will be an update on the boys since they seem to be changing so much.  I'll probably mention how Aiden is pulling himself up to stand against things all. the. time.  Persistent little guy.
Or how Patrick is speaking in sentences more and more.  He sorta has his own language so a sentence might sound something like this: "Mom!  Me ma wants a ma bread." Meaning, "Mom!  I want some bread."  It's adorable.  And I might go into more detail on how it makes my heart melt every time he says, "Tank you mommy."  Even when he's sick and can't keep a thing down, he still thanks me for bringing him some 7UP.  Sweet little man.

But, that detail overload is for the next post. :)