Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hi.  It's been awhile.
 I say it's time I catch up on this blog because I still have Halloween pictures that need to be documented and it's almost Thanksgiving!  Thanksgiving, with Jon's family, is being held at our new house this year so I figure next week I'll be having mental breakdowns and wondering why I volunteered to feed so many, so this week I need to catch up on everything.  Seriously, why would I volunteer?  I've never even made a turkey.  Oh's because I create these beautiful tables in my head with amazing food and everyone happily sitting around said table but then I realize my head creates better dinner parties than what I ever actually come up with.  Anyway, it'll be great-even if the turkey turns out dry or something like that.

So...back to Halloween. :)  We started off the season with a lovely visit to the local pumpkin patch.

 Shooting pumpkins at random cars in a field=endless entertainment
And then we continued our festivities with a family halloween party

 Patrick has found his inner artist.  Painting/drawing/coloring has been a daily occurence.  Sometimes for hours, so this pumpkin painting party was right up his alley.
Little trick-or-treaters ready to go get their candy and play with cousins

 A little visit to see great-grandpa.

In other random news, I've come to realize that baking is sort of therapeutic to me.  I get quite anxious being at home every day(has any part of motherhood been natural to me?) so in my anxious moments, baking/cooking gives me something to do...and my family something to eat.  I rarely take pictures of what we eat but I found these two on my phone.  I must have been proud because they looked good to eat...
 Triple layer lemon cake for my mom's birthday

In the middle of typing this post, I realized Aiden was not sleeping during naptime, like I thought, and instead he was vomiting and pooping(newly potty-trained) everywhere.  I don't think he's that sick but his stomach tends to puke if he's motion sick, tired, anxious, etc.  Mess is cleaned up but now he's feeling better enough to terrorize his brother.  In this moment, I hear two little boys screaming(mainly Aiden screaming and Patrick crying) and I'm closing my door pretending not to hear. Aiden has taken on the terror role these past couple weeks and Patrick has turned into my tender-hearted one. And I'm posting pictures like the ones below to remind me that I do, in fact, love these little boys.

Anyone ready for summer to come back?  I think I could use a park day about now.  Or a trip to the caribbean.  I'd take that.