Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sometimes I try to run

So, I don't write much on here about physical fitness stuff but I just thought I would share that I hit a milestone tonight.  I realized I can actually run 30 min. straight and complete a 5K.  For all you runners out there, laugh at me all you want since it's nothing to some people, but I'm proud.  Also, I know running on a treadmill is easier than on a road but it's progress.  Someday I'll be good at this running thing. ;)


  1. Getting into that kind of shape just nine months after pregnancy is slightly short of a miracle. Be proud!!! You're wonder woman.

  2. Lol. Thanks Natalie! Today's new maxi dress came from Shopko. I just bought a size up. Everything else comes from Ross, Target, or sometimes Motherhood Maternity.

  3. Yay Natalie!!! That's a huge milestone!!! :):):) I'll be honest, I think the treadmill is harder than running on the road because mentally you have to be completely dialed in. But on the road, I can let my mind wander and it keeps me running. Good job!!! Whoo hoo!!!
