Monday, January 31, 2011


I believe fruit is one of the greatest things ever created. Without it, I think I would starve to death, as well as my baby. If anyone knows the cure to morning sickness, please tell me. I've already tried saltines, peppermint, B6, Unisom, sour patch kids, not taking prenatals, taking prenatals and ginger. I think my next move is acupuncture. Not really because I really hate needles with a passion and while it's nice to lose 25 pounds(a goal I wanted to accomplish last summer), I don't think it's preferable while pregnant. So, at the moment I can say I've never been more grateful for oranges, grapefruit, bananas and strawberries than I am right now. But, just like everything else, I know their moment will pass and I'll have to find a new food my stomach can handle. If anyone can tell me where to get fresh cherries, I'll love you. This weekend was an ultimate high with my normal amount of nausea, plus a sore throat, the flu, stuffy nose, puking, you name it. I just have to say I'm super grateful I married the man I did. He ran to the store to get juice since that's all I really could stomache, made tea, gave me massages, scratched my back, watched Psych with name it. All while he was sick with a cold. I think I'll call him Superman from now on.

On the upside, Jon is doing great in his classes. He's still working 36ish hours a week while going to school full time but the classes are timed better and 1/2 of them are online so he's actually getting an ok amount of sleep. This means his full brain capacity is working in class and once again, he's a math and computer whiz trying to explain concepts to me that I know I will never comprehend. I try to look like I know what's he's talking about when he's throwing out words like array, vector, limits, etc. but really nothing is even slightly connecting in my brain. I'm just glad he's smart and I can just practice my music or something. Hopefully our kids will have a chance.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everybody! I haven't updated the blog for awhile but I have an excuse. I've been unbelievable tired lately and haven't really done much of anything. I feel like a slacker in every aspect of my life from work to doing the laundry and dishes. Honestly, even the thought of making grilled cheese sandwiches wears me out and makes me want to puke. I know, lovely image right? Well, here's the reason why...

Yes. We're getting...another puppy! Just kidding. Dumb joke. Anyway, I know you can't really read that strip but it confirms that there is a little person inside of me.That little baby has felt like a parasite for the last 12 weeks and I feel bad that I haven't been more thoroughly enjoying the pregnancy process. We've seen the heart beat which is a step up from the last couple times and we're praying everything works out. I feel horrible, which I didn't before, so I'm taking that as a good sign although I'm hoping that will go away soon. I guess the good side of feeling sick 24/7 is that you lose weight. I'm thinking by the time I'm about due, I'll be back up to my pre-pregnancy weight. Anyway, the baby is due in July and we're super excited. Hence, our over enthusiastic faces in the picture.

Overview of 2010:

I felt like this year was hard but also rewarding. Hard in the fact that I(and Jon but I show it more) had to learn patience and be reminded that things will happen in their own due time, when it's right. I won't go into detail but we were reminded of that numerous times. I got to see how selfish I am and how unselfish my husband is. During school, he took around 16 credits a semester and still kept up 36-40 hours at Broulims working the night shift. Even with him feeling like a zombie, he still made time to hang out with me and go on a date once in awhile. And, we saw family members struggle and go about as low as a person can. It's hard seeing them struggle and it's hard feeling powerless. But, on the upside, we had a lot of good things. Jon and I learned we're pretty good at supporting each other in hard times, which is good to know. It's good to know that I can cry and be moody and not make dinner for a few months and still have my husband tell me he couldn't live without me. We're grateful family is there to invite us to dinner since I've given up trying to make it. We got to travel to Pittsburgh to see Aubree and Mike, which was a great experience. And, we got to see a heartbeat, besides my own, inside of me. And we got to see the little arms and legs moving and little fingers that are already developed. The process of human life is...amazing. Anyway, we're excited and maybe a little bit scared for 2011. Hopefully it will bring a lot of changes.