Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Happy Birthday, bud


Maybe you'll read back through this little family blog of ours, someday, so I just wanted to say Happy Birthday.  I'm so glad you were the one to change our world.

We love you.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summer is here!

We're a little slow getting going but we're finally starting to enjoy our summer!  Funny how I look forward to summer all year and then, for some reason, I really wasn't doing a good job of getting my boys out and doing fun summer things.  But no worries, we're going to be making up for that.  

Last week we decided to take a spontaneous drive to Mesa Falls.  

As mentioned, I've been slow getting into the outdoor enjoyment but this little trip showed me, once again, how nice it is to just be outside.  The boys were in heaven.  Aiden kept pointing at every little bird and squirrel and Patrick just wanted to take off running everywhere.  He even enjoyed relieving himself in the great outdoors...  This little trip brought out a hiking desire in me and I'm pretty sure next time Jon and I plan a date night, a hike will be at the top of the list.  Feel free to give me ideas of hikes that are close around this area. :)  Seriously, nature is so therapeutic. 

Speaking of date nights:
Sometimes we're nerds and take selfies of ourselves and then post the picture so the whole internet can experience our nerdiness.  Date night is great.  We started this thing that I love-we alternate planning the date night so that means when it's my turn to plan I get to pick the activity, food, etc. and then Jon does the same thing on his night.  No feeling guilty if the person doesn't want to eat at your favorite food place because the next week they pick.  Hence why I have a nature run planned for one of our next dates. ;)  

And of course, last weekend was the 4th of July.
Sitting through the parade...not their favorite activity of the day

So we took lots of pictures instead. :)

 Lots of fireworks!  Patrick loved them this year but Aiden...not so much.  I think he was holding that blanket for comfort.  The night before we also did fireworks with Jon's parents and Mike and Jen's family but Jon has those pictures on his phone.  It was a great holiday weekend.

On July 5th we ran in our 2nd annual Color Run!

Jon was sick that day so he got to push the stroller with the boys.  I wasn't completely selfish-after I ran to the finish line I turned around and met up with them for the rest of the race. ;)  Me and the boys had gotten sick earlier that week and Jon was the last one to get sick.  Seriously.  Who gets sick in the summer?  We've already been sick twice and we still have the runny nose and cough one week later.  Anyway, the run was a blast, of course, and I'm sure it will be an annual thing.  

Next race planned is the Rush Triathlon.  My first one by myself!  I'm slightly nervous for the swimming but in general, I'm just really excited and happy that my body is able to do that type of race.  A couple weeks ago, I found out that my thyroid was not working very well and they immediately put me on a high dose of medicine.  I was fatigued all. the. time. and I figured it was time to figure out why even though I felt like a hypochondriac when I walked in.  However, it has been a night and day difference and I went from building up to a 2 mile run(outside) in 2 years to 6 miles in 2 weeks.  Training with no energy really prepares you for when you have energy. ;)  I don't feel like my levels are completely normal yet but holy cow, I was so excited when I went on a run recently and felt my body recover in the middle of the run.  I really can't express how excited I was and that morning I put a training plan on my ipod for a half marathon in a few months.  I might have been a little enthusiastic that day. :)  

Anyway, we have many more park days, splash pad, pool days, and hikes planned in our future and I'm glad that we're finally excited about summer around here. ;)