Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Samantha at 2 months

Oh, Sammy, Sam, Sammers, Samantha...what a sweet little babe we have been blessed with.  I don't take for granted that she's here with us, that she's healthy or that she has a sweet disposition.  I feel extremely blessed to be her mom and I'm grateful for the sweetness she adds to our family that I didn't know was missing until she came.  She wakes up once a night, takes at least 2 good naps that last at least a couple hours with cat naps in the later afternoon/night time.  She loves to observe so she prefers to be held facing outward and when she's laying on her back, she stares at mobiles, lights, fans, dresser handles, etc. for quite the length of time while I stare at her cute little face in the creepy manner that only moms can do.  We love her.  We love her little coos and smiles.  I love that she gives so many smiles and coos.

Her 2 month stats:

11.9 lbs(54.46%)
28" tall(96.59%)
Head circumference-15.4"(70.33%)

And to keep it real, there are obviously times she's not super happy.  Especially after a few minutes of me trying to shove a camera in her face when she just wants held.

 And some other pictures from my phone from the last month:

Good morning!

Our first run together was a success