Thursday, June 28, 2018

Sammy's 1st birthday

Yesterday Sammy turned 1.  I know every parent says this but I can't believe she's 1!  She definitely acts like she's one has always moved fast in her development but I kind of still want her to be a baby.  I don't know if it goes by faster with each one, but I think my desire to have a baby for a longer period of time increases.  And maybe because she might be the last one(never say never) so the thought of no longer having a baby is a little sad.  However, it's been soo fun to watch her grow and explore and develop her personality and we seriously couldn't love her more.  She is hilarious and fun and joyful and energetic and feisty and already my best little girlfriend.  She has such a quick mind and a strong body and soul.  When Jon gave her a blessing after she was born, I had a strong impression that she was going to be a great force in the world and do a lot of really great things and I can already see how her personality will accomplish that.  She has a strength about her but also a great ability to love and be so sweet.  She knows what she wants and can take charge in the house but she can also entertain herself better than any of my other kids and is content to be by herself and explore(in her baby proof room, of course).  I relax more and more with each kid and it's been amazing to just sit and watch her.  To take time for me to be still and just observe my children.  And in her I see someone who loves life.  People are always smiling and talking to her because she smiles easily but even when people aren't giving her attention, she's observing people and trying to get them to connect with her.  I'm proud to be her mom and I really can't wait to see her learn and grow because I know she's going to be and already is such an amazing little person.

For Sam's birthday, my mom and sister drove over here so we were able to have family with us!  It was kind of a last minute surprise a couple weeks before it happened and it ended up being perfect.  Somehow I stress about little birthday details, no matter how plain or elaborate it is but it all worked out and she was her adorable self.  And we all enjoyed celebrating such a special little girl.  Since this might be my only time to celebrate with pink, that pretty much ended up being the only "theme" to the party.  Pink and white with a little shimmer. :)

Here are her stats from the 1 year appointment:
-Weight: 20lbs 6oz(60%)
-Height: 30"(79%)
-Head circumference: 46cm(79%)

And here are a few I'd taken earlier that I was deciding between for the wall:

This age of dependence can be so exhausting but it's definitely the cutest phase of all.  We love you, Sammers!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Pool Day

I still have an update to do on our time in North Carolina but here are a couple pictures from a day we had a couple weeks ago.  The thing here is that a lot of people have pools or are in a community with a pool and that's something I was excited about when we came here.  One afternoon we were invited to someone's house to have lunch and a pool day and after swimming, the boys found a couple little friends.  The outdoors here are crazy.  There's an abundance of trees, wildlife and large bugs. So a day of swimming, surrounded by beautiful trees and catching frogs and lizards sounds and was a pretty idyllic day.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Sammy at 10 and 11 months

I am having a hard time keeping up with Sam posts!  I think it gets harder with each child.  So before I forget, these are her stats from her 10 month appointment:

Weight: 18lbs. 9 oz. (48%)
Height: 29.25 inches (88%)
Head circumference: 45cm (72%)

She is growing up too fast.  She started walking around 10 1/2 months and she’s gotten faster and faster ever since.  She never holds still.  She is always on the go but then she takes little moments to cuddle with a stuffed animal or rest her head on me and I love those moments.  She’s feisty but e sweet.  She’s taken off with solids lately and eats most everything we’ve given her although she still won’t eat eggs or avacados.  She loves: playing peekaboo, playing with her brothers, going through my makeup bag, attention from anyone who will give it to her, baths, walks, music...I love seeing her little bounce when she gets excited about something.  I love her little voice and hearing her babble.  She’s trying to talk more and more and her baby sentences are adorable.

 I don't know what it is about those shoes but she loves them

It is so fun to see these cute little faces when we go on bike rides.

My makeup bag...she loves it.  If I don't put it away, I find her constantly coming out of our room with my brushes and mascara

She also loooves the water and bath time.

This little one is always moving but for brief periods of time, she'll randomly plop and cuddle a stuffed animal or lay her head on me.  After quick contact, she's off again but I love those little brief hugs or snuggles.