Saturday, March 24, 2012

New things happening

 I have joined a quartet!  My viola has gone on the back burner these past few...months, and while I'm still not spending a ton of time practicing, at least I'm not totally losing everything.  So, here we are.  We'll be playing for weddings, dinners, parties...pretty much anything that needs a string quartet.  If you know of anyone who is looking for a quartet, let me know!  We're relatively cheap. ;)  Jon is in the process of setting up our web page.

I've never had a picture taken with my viola so here is my first one.

Aside from that, my cousin Erika said she was running a half marathon and I decided to join her.  Why?  Because it's something I never thought I would do and I'm finding at this stage of my life I'm wanting to try and do things I've never done.  If anyone has any tips on how to breathe while running, please let me know.  I love lifting weights but running has never been a strong point, so while I can run quite a ways without my muscles getting tired, my lungs are a different story.  As a side note, in high school the doctors found out that I have this heart issue where it races and does funky things for no apparent reason and they did a whole  bunch of tests and ended up just telling me not to run farther than a mile at a time.  On top of that, I struggle with exercise induced asthma.  I went running yesterday and it was the first time since I've decided to run the half marathon that I realized I might physically not be able to do it.  I've heard of adding a 1/2-1 mile a week to train and stuff but in college I took a fitness class and it literally took me 4 months of running every day to work up to a 1 1/2 miles.  And I was lifting weights at the time and it was my most in shape time of my life.  Sooo runners, any advice would be appreciated.


  1. Hey Nat, it's okay. I read that you build up your cardio first.. So don't worry about miles until you can run for 30 minutes straight. I can run for 16 then i alternate between walking and running for a full 40 minutes. Each time i run, im increasing by a minute or two. Also, I don't run every day. I rest for two days, run for three and do cross training for two. (like M- run for 30-40 min, T- bike, W - run, TH rest, F- cross train, SAT- run hard, this is the day i push the hardest for the week, SUN- rest) That way I'm building up the cardio without hurting myself and enjoying it. :) just take it a minute at a time. You'll be surprised how quick it comes. :)

  2. Also, warming up with a walk for the first 5 min and cooling down for the last 5 with a walk is extremely important so you don't hurt yourself. Have fun with it!!!

  3. And hydrate, eat carbs, and lots of protein. I like to use the little propel water bottle things to rehydrate after my workout. :) hope this helps!

  4. Wow, Erika. I would not have thought of that workout routine at all! Thank you. I will definitely change a few things
