First, we had a baby shower! My sister-in-law, Kami, was due(notice the was) to have her baby in a few weeks so we threw her a little shower.
Making/decorating onesies for the shower. Aubree found the idea. Best. idea. ever. Kami multiplied the baby's clothes by 10 just from that one night.
I was obviously having too much fun to take very many pictures. I felt like it was just a very relaxed, fun party.
Second thing of this weekend: Aubree's baby was blessed. Patrick is so lucky to have lots of boy cousins close in age. Patrick was born in July, then Keaton(Aubree's baby) was born in December, Kami's baby was born in March and Jen is due in July(which they think is a boy but haven't checked the gender yet).
Everyone at the baby blessing
Notice that Kami's not there but her child, Afton, is(she's the little girl in the front in the pink dress who's expression just makes you...laugh)? Apparently she went into labor at 4:30 that morning and we didn't find out about it till we went to the blessing. Apparently we had too much fun at the baby shower and caused her to go into labor(kidding). Right after this picture, everyone drove down to Blackfoot to see the baby.
So, thirdly, here's Kami with her new baby boy, Clayton Bridger Mckee(named after his dad).
Over 4 weeks early and he still weighed 7 1/2 pounds. Yes, we grow them big in this family. :) Apparently the placenta looked horrible when she delivered and it was actually a blessing that he came early because he wouldn't have been able to survive had he stayed inside longer. So, while it was a little unexpected, it was also a huge blessing that this baby is here and alive. Aren't babies soo sweet?
And lastly, Jon's mom had a birthday and through all of this we hadn't gotten around to celebrating it yet. So, we ended the busy weekend with dinner at Applebee's.
Seeing these two look at each other and laugh, like they had some non-verbal inside joke, was one of the cutest things ever.
Keaton being a perfect baby in Applebee's. Notice Patrick tearing apart the menu in the picture above this? That entertained him for a good 30 min.
Patrick loves Ada. I wish I would have gotten a picture of Cannon too(Ada's brother) because Patrick seriously thinks those two are the funniest kids ever. They can make him laugh every time they just look at him and Patrick seriously could have "played" with them all day long.
*Funny side story. See Patrick's concentrated face in this picture? Do you know what he was concentrating on? Pooping. Yep. All over everything. We didn't know it till Jon picked him up and noticed his seat was plastered, along with the back of his shirt and down his pants. I don't think Jon was too excited to get a fistful of all the slimy goodness. ;) Anyway, I grabbed Patrick from him and ran, arms outstretched, to what I thought was the girl's restroom and laid him on the changer. A minute later a man walks in and I'm so confused and realize there's urinals in the restroom. Oops. So, I pick Patrick up and run next door to the girl's restroom where a sweet lady who also has a baby, lays her baby down right before I can. Really? Her baby wasn't even messy! So, I just stand there holding Patrick out at arms length while she slowly changes her baby's diaper and talks and sings to him, acting as if I'm not even there. Patrick was literally stinking up the whole place and every lady who walked in made a nasty face. I finally decided to strip Patrick down without the changer and by the time I was done stripping him down, the girl, thankfully, was done. Thank you to the nice old lady who handed me a million wipes and replenished the towels underneath Patrick's bum so we didn't get his poop everywhere. And, sorry men if your restroom still smells like poop and you can't figure out why. I didn't take the time to clean your changer off before flipping it back up and I didn't have the guts to go back...:)
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