Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Memories and another thing to be thankful for :)


I started playing the piano when I was 5 or 6.  My sister had played for a couple years and I think since she played, I wanted to play.  My first piano teacher was my Aunt Kari but that didn't last long because they moved(sad day, but that's a whole set of other memories growing up :)) and I took from a couple consistent teachers for a few years.  By the time I was in middle school my piano teacher, Mrs. Day, had moved and that ended any consistency in piano.  Sometimes I wish I had just found a super consistent piano teacher and kept up with only piano instead of doing the string thing because I really do love to play.  But then I remember how much I enjoy playing my violin or viola and I'm glad things turned out how they did.


Jon also started playing the piano when he was little.  His private lessons only lasted a few weeks.  The reason for stopping: a recital!  Really?  A dumb little recital.  I get upset with my students like him. ha ha  He learned soo much in his few little lessons and on his own that it makes me sick to think how good he would be now if he had continued.  I could have had my own personal accompanist!  Ok, that's a selfish reason but he definitely had a natural ability on the piano.  Maybe some day we'll be rich enough to get him in private lessons because he still talks about wanted to be able to play.


Patrick is getting better and better at grabbing things.  He has a play set of keys which seems to be the easiest thing for him to grab.  Yesterday he grabbed these keys out of my hands but then had a spastic movement and whacked himself right in the forehead with them.  It was hard not to laugh because he got the most confused look on his face but then seeing my amused expression, he broke into a smile.  Too cute.

Now onto something I'm thankful for.  I'm thankful for...laughter.  Life is hard.  Stinkin' hard.  And sometimes I get a little bogged down.  I worry about my dad and his cancer, my mom and her supporting him in this trial, money, Jon's school, taking care of Patrick in the best way possible, teaching students effectively, being horrible at maintaining friendships, etc.  At times I wish I was in the next phase of life...ya know, where Jon has a career, our kids are grown and perfect and everyone has great health and my house is always clean.  I know, keep dreaming right?  Anyway, back to laughter.  We need it.  The older Patrick gets, the more and more he laughs.  It is soo cute and no matter what kind of day I'm having, he never fails to make me a little happier with his cute laugh.  Whatever the reason, the older I get, the less I laugh and the other day Jon and I started to laugh over something and I remember thinking how good it felt.  Full out laughter sadly feels a little foreign but I think it's something I could have more of. :)


  1. Your comment about Patrick playing with the keys and his reaction made me laugh. :)

  2. So very true, laughter is the best kind of medicine when we have so much on our plate! And baby giggles are the best to bring out the kid in you again. Patrick has the best mommy!

  3. You play the violin/viola beautifully!!! And yes, if we could all remember to laugh more! Life is hard, especially starting out. But from my experience, it has solidified our marriage. I will keep your dad in my prayers!
