Today was Patrick's 4 month appointment. That means more of those crappy shots, that I know are for his good, but I hate hearing him scream. He was a trooper though and stopped screaming as soon as they were done and just cuddled into me with a cute little pout on his face. The nurses and doctor couldn't say enough comments about how cute he is...and how big but we'll forget that part. The doctor even said he wished he could take him home because he's so cute but then he picked him up and felt how heavy he was, called him a brick and said, "nevermind, he's too heavy." ha :) Yes, I'm gaining lots of muscle. are his 4 month stats:
18.8 pds.- 97 percentile(The nurse said her kids didn't even weigh that much when they were a year old. I was thinking, "so, what are you trying to say?")
26 in.- 90 percentile
17 in. head- 75 percentile
Either they told me wrong last time on his head or it shrunk...or I heard wrong. I'm going with it shrunk because it was pretty big and misshapen from the suction cups, like cone head misshapen, and now it's cute and round so I think it was probably just going back to normal size. I don't know. Just a guess.
Patrick's personality is coming out more and more. On the good side of that, he laughs and smiles and is super cute, on the bad side...we know when he's angry. Like, he's already started throwing little tantrums and his screams turn into little pig squeals. I would think the sound was cute if I wasn't the one trying to calm him down. He wants to be on the go all the time so his main frustrations or fits come from us just not entertaining him enough. Like, if he's been in a car seat for too long, or we try to just sit and watch a movie for too long, etc. I actually think it will be a relief once he can crawl because then he won't have anything to be frustrated about...maybe. His jumperoo is still a relief because we can put him in that for 20 minutes and he goes crazy jumping up and down. Patrick's reaching more and more for things and getting better and putting them in his mouth. He's also discovered his feet, which is cute, because if we have little animals on his feet he'll just hunch over and sit and stare at his feet for a few minutes. Here are a few pictures of our cute little buddy at 4 months:
Oh, I love this little boy and I love being a mom. It's nice to have a break once in awhile but if I'm at work or running errands without Patrick, all I can think about is how he's doing. Don't get me wrong, it's nice not having to haul his car seat around and to just be by myself for a little bit, but I can't help obsessing over this little guy. When I was first getting into the swing of things, it was hard not to be overwhelmed with all of the change. It's a big job but the longer I'm in this role, the more I love it and the more I can't imagine what I'd do without my buddy. I remember after the first couple days and weeks people would say, "you can't imagine life without him now, huh?" I would say, yes I can. But now, a few months later, I can honestly say I can't imagine life without Patrick. He is such a little blessing and with everything going on in my family right now, he's kind of a little light and happiness straight from heaven.
Happy New Year! | 2023 Recap
1 year ago
Becoming a mother can be such a shock to one's system! But it sounds like you're doing great! :) He is big and cute and adorable. And it just keeps getting better!