I've started to accept the fact that as a new mom, I'll always be tired. I know in my last post I said Patrick only woke up once in the night but that little victory didn't last very long. However, last night Patrick decided to sleep 7 hours straight. I never thought 7 hours would be so glorious. Ever since Friday night, his length of sleep has gotten longer and longer. He must know his mom is absolutely horrible at night. So, thank you Patrick for being such a laid back, easy baby who's willing to help your mom out with sleeping at night.
Here's a couple pictures of Jon Patrick at 2 weeks old:
Our favorite cuddle position
This boppy pillow is a life saver. Patrick loves sleeping in it.
Happy New Year! | 2023 Recap
1 year ago
The boppy pillow is definitly a life saver at that age! My kids loved it! I'm glad he's starting to sleep better again! What a cutie!