Thursday, August 18, 2011

Slow Down!

Patrick is only 3 1/2 weeks old and it already feels like he's changed a ton. Not only has he grown in size, but also in his personality. He's not quite the laid back baby he was the first couple weeks. He's gotten so squirmy! I'm assuming he got that from me since my nickname as a little kid was wiggle worm. I had a hard time holding still too. For the last couple days, not even feeding can make him stop moving. He's even figured out how to turn from his stomach to his back. He did it twice last night, one of which we got on recording. Now we just have to figure out how to get it from Jon's phone to here...hopefully I'll post that soon. If he wasn't turning over, he was trying to crawl. Not successfully, but he got his knees up pretty well. He just couldn't figure out what to do with his arms. It feels like he's growing up so fast, yet at the same time so slowly. I can't wait till he does certain things, like giggling or sleeping for 8 hours straight, but at the same time I want him to stay small for a long time. I guess we can't have it all. :)


  1. Your baby is SO freaking beautiful! I read his birth story and I had to smile, because Lincoln's head was all crazy cone shapped too because I was in labor for so long, haha. Don't worry he is still a tiny lil newborn and will be for a long time. Enjoy every minute of it and remember he is a baby, I think I thought lincoln was much older than he was and now I wish I would have enjoyed more cuddle time. The newborn stage is still my favorite! I wish it lasted several months instead of juat several weeks. Plus cant believe he rolled over! Strong lil guy!

  2. Yep, this is the time to enjoy every second of their cute littleness! It's sad how fast they grow! That's so awesome that he rolled over! He's so cute!
