Saturday, July 2, 2011

Let the count down begin

So, finally, this is the month that our little bundle is supposed to come. Excited? Yes. Nervous? Yes. Ready to not be pregnant? Definitely. With a couple-ish weeks to go, I guess I'm considered full-term and the baby can make his debut any day. The other day I was writing in the little baby book we bought for him and it has all of these questions about his parents(Jon and I) like: how did we meet, our first date, what attracted us to each other, etc. and it got me thinking about the last couple years Jon and I have had by ourselves. Well, really it got me thinking about the last 12 or so years we've known each other. For some reason it made me sentimental and even a little sad that those times are coming to an end. I'll blame my emotions on hormones. Granted, our life hasn't been perfect and a lot of times it feels like we see less of each other than we'd like and we get more work/school time in than anything else and we've lost a lot of friendships due to us just being busy and not having enough time to hang out with each other, let alone other people, but I still feel like Jon and I have grown together in so many ways and he truly has been and is my best friend and partner in everything. I know having a baby won't change that but the selfish side of me thinks about how our attention is going to be even more diverted, with even less time for each other.

However, with that said, I know that having a baby will be a huge blessing and will teach us so many things and help us grow together in ways we didn't think possible. I'm sure it will teach me to be a lot less selfish. :) I really can't wait to meet our little guy and while change in my life always makes me emotional, it also makes me change for the good. If you remember my post about obsessing over things, it probably won't come as a surprise that I've been obsessing over every little parenting detail, like: how to teach children not to throw tantrums, feeding kids the right nutritional things, how to get kids to even like healthy food, letting babies cry in the night instead of running to help after every little sound, not using food as comfort...the list could go on and on. But, the other day in church a guy read a quote by one of the apostles(which I should probably remember), but the idea of it was that obsessing over every little detail of your child's life doesn't make you a great parent. There is no huge list of do's and don'ts. What's really important is raising your child in a loving environment where they can see that their parents love each other and are always trying to come to Christ. Period. And, that's something I can do without over-analyzing. It's amazing how much the gospel simplifies things.

And lastly, here's my last pregnancy picture. I don't think I'll grow enough in the next couple weeks to really merit putting another picture up. At least I sure hope not.

Happy 4th of July everyone!


  1. You are so cute! Oh, and as for the "couple time" you will still get it. You will have to work a little harder but you definitely need it. Don't be afraid to get a babysitter every once in a while for a fun date out of the house or even an over-nighter when he's big enough. Those times become very special and almost more fun. And don't worry about being perfect with everything, every kid is different and sometimes the books don't help at all and you just have to figure it out. Don't stress and just enjoy him! The first couple months may be hard but they are so special. At times it will seem like time is crawling by but then all of a sudden your kid is walking, talking, and whatever. Enjoy all the moments! You will do great!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I love that point you made. Be an example of Christ as parents and it works out. :)

    You look way cute! So excited for you! I can only imagine how anxious you are because how anxious I've been for you!!! Ha ha ha. Good luck Cousin!! Have a happy 4th!

    p.s. I'm going to be in Rexburg on the 14th of Aug. to see my sister-in-laws baby blessing. Hopefully I can catch a little time with you too!! :)

  3. Thanks Nancy-you're so sweet. And, you and Charles are proof that you can still make fun, "grownup" time after having kids. You guys are great parents. And Erika, I'm glad you're coming to Rexburg and I do hope you have time to come say hi so you can meet our new little baby!!! The thought still doesn't seem real to me but he could be almost a month old by then. Weird. You should just plan to stay in Rexburg for a couple weeks that month because I'm sure our baby blessing will be in August too. :)

  4. Did your belly get smaller? Its like this tiny little volleyball (too small to be a basketball). I wish I could give you really wise advice, but im still amazed that my child is somewhat normal, I dont know how it happened. But I do say read "becoming babywise" because it workes miracles. Lincoln was sleeping throufh the night at like 5 weeks. And by 8 weeks je was doing 12 hrs straight. Amazing! Cant wait for ya. Newborn is still my favorite age.

  5. Thanks Heather! I think maybe he just dropped lower but it's still a pretty big stomach. I feel like he's already 10 pounds. And I'm definitely going to go check out that book. I would love it if I could have him sleeping through the night by 5 weeks. And I'm sure Lincoln being a good kid would be partly as a result of you being a great parent. :)
