Thursday, February 9, 2017

pregnancy week 6-20

I can't believe it's been so long since my last update post(besides the baby girl news).  I'm going to 100% blame it on morning sickness.  I'm not going to lie, nausea hit this time and all I could think was that I was done feeling this way.  After about a week or two of feeling like I couldn't function, let alone take care of my family, I had a break down knowing that if this pregnancy was like the others, I would have 5 more months of feeling so sick.  I've always struggled with extreme nausea but on top of that, I was mentally weak.  Any amount of mental strength I had started to regain from the last few years was gone and I felt helpless for myself and my family.  However, the Lord must have known that I needed a break because around week 9 I went to the doctor and he gave me medicine(this was the first time I've been to an OBGYN and this was the first doctor that gave me medicine without making me wait until 20 weeks and realizing the nausea wasn't going away on it's own).  Miraculously, I had been able to start eating a few things the day before and while the medicine didn't make the nausea go away, it was completely tolerable.  Since then, the nausea has gotten better and better and now I only feel little effects of it.  I feel extremely blessed.  I was literally crying to Jon about how much I regretted getting pregnant and knowing I couldn't handle it again when things started to turn around.  The Lord really does know us and how much we can handle at different times.
 So yeah, I have one picture to document during the worst of everything and only because Aiden really wanted a selfie while I was laying in bed.

     This picture was taken around 6 weeks pregnant right before everything hit

And then this was the last picture I've taken around 16 weeks.

It's been a rollercoaster so far but I'm so happy to be to the part where I am feeling more like myself and bursting with excitement for our newest addition.  I know that this baby is such a blessing, just as our others have been and now we're to the most exciting part of shopping for clothes and decorating the baby room!

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