Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th of July and a Color Run!

I know you can never get your fill of seeing a million pictures of fireworks and hearing about 4th of July festivities but I'm going to keep it short and say we had a nice 4th.  Actually, most of my little family wasn't feeling well so our morning consisted of resting and homework with a little barbecue and fireworks in the afternoon/evening.  Prepare for a picture overload of this weekend.

I'll say it a million times,  I love Aiden's smile.

Taken earlier when Patrick was in a good mood and still in his pajamas

Crazy hair after nap time!  

Aiden's first time in a high chair.  He's still a little small for it but he was cute in it anyway. :)

Also, this weekend I ran my first 5K.  I'm really great at pushing myself on a treadmill but for some reason outside is so much harder for me.  It was a lot of "fun" and the 30 minutes it took to run the race went by really fast but I was tired.  It was the perfect first race to start out on because everyone was there to just have a good time.  Totally worth it.  Definitely want to do it again next year.  So, family and friends who read this blog, put it on your calendar for next year!      
Before the race...

Jon was trying to stay clean the whole time.  Yeah right.

I really loved seeing the finish line.

Can you see those muscles I've been working so hard for!?  Yeah, I didn't think so.

Next on the agenda: Jon is running a mud run(he's super excited for that...haha) with some of his family at the end of July and I'm running in the Rush Triathlon in August.  For those of you who are wondering how I'm going to do a whole triathlon...I'm not. How silly would I look trying to dog paddle in open water?  I'm just the running leg of our little team since I would be a handicap in the other areas. :)  Although, after seeing how hard it was on Saturday to run outside, I'm starting to think I might be a handicap in that area, too...;)


  1. Happy 4th! That run looks like a blast!!! I will definitely put that on my calendar for next year.

    1. You should! It'd be fun to see you there. It'd definitely be an easy run compared to your half marathons!
