Four months. I don't have a newborn anymore! I guess I haven't for a little while but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that if he's like Patrick, he'll be crawling in the next few weeks. Totally not ready for that...
Aiden has been busy this month figuring out how to roll over(finally happened last week!) and how to grab things and bring them to his mouth. He definitely likes to suck on things, whether it's his binky, his thumb, my fingers, blankets, anything. He still constantly coos at us and gives lots and lots of smiles and giggles. Aiden will smile at anyone...his parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, people in church or even complete strangers in the grocery store. As long as he's getting attention, he's happy. On the other hand, those times he's mad, he's really mad. I've been completely spoiled with my babies and it kind of makes me scared for the next one. I trust in certain tools I've learned along the way but every child still has their own personality. :) And for record sake, here are the stats:
Length-25 in., 65%
Weight-15.5 pds-85%
Anyway, happy 4 months Aiden! We love you, little man.
Happy New Year! | 2023 Recap
11 months ago
Sweet, Its about time he was 4 months. :)