Thursday, January 26, 2012

6 Months!

I realized 90% of my posts are about Patrick and it makes me wonder what I talked about and did with my life before he came along...maybe someday I'll get back to thinking about more things than just my kids...maybe.  Anyway, happy 6 months to Patrick!  Today he had his doctor's appointments and here are his stats:

head: 17.5 in.(can't remember percentile but it was lower than before)
weight: 20.8pds, 91 percentile
height: 27.7in, 83 percentile

His growth is slowing down a lot, which is nice because he is heavy and I'm getting some serious muscles.  Not really.  More like, he's heavy and I get tired a lot.  I wish the serious muscles would come.  His personality is also changing.  I love my little boy but I'm afraid some of his new personality traits have tested my patience.  Like, he is soooo squirmy and wants to be on the go all the time.  I think Abby and Max are scared of him because he tries to chase them and then what does he do?  Rip out their hair of course. He's also getting very strong willed.  I wish I could say I have no idea where these traits come from.  He definitely has a mind of his own and I can see that he constantly has wheels turning in that cute little head of his.        

He wants to stand all the time.  Stand or crawl.  Not much in between.  Yeah, it's fun...

Always a ham.

Patrick we love you!  Strong-willed, hyper personality and all. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey you guys! I found your blog through Darcy Farrer hope you don't mind. I didn't know you had a little boy he is so darn cute! How are you guys doing?! So I have a blog also if you want to follow it just e-mail me and I will send you an invite!
    oh ya and this is Amy (Thompson)!
