Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!   Goodbye 2011.  Please don't come back.  I think it's safe to say this last year has been one of the greatest and hardest year of our lives.  A few events that happened this year:

*We found out we were having a boy!
*Jon and I both traveled to California, separately(you can bet our next major vacation will be together)
*Max and Abby turned one year old
*Jon finished another year of college
*I learned how to rehair bows, which makes work and Patrick a lot easier to schedule
*We found out my dad was battling stage 4 cancer
*Saw and experienced more miracles than I would have dreamed possible
*Patrick was born

I think this year has helped Jon and I to realize just how short this life really is and that we're here on the Lord's timeline.  With that said, I've made a bunch of new year's resolutions, that I won't mention, and hopefully I can continue to learn how to be a better person.  Here are just some pictures that I think are cute.

 First Sunday in 2012.  My cute boys.

Our chunky monkey

 Patrick ate solids!  He hated it...

Yeah, this picture pretty much sums up his feelings on eating anything besides milk.  With how he ate things off my finger, I thought he'd enjoy eating solids.  Nope.

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