I've come to realize as a mom that you pick your battles. And once you pick them, you have to live with them. We can't do everything! For example, I chose the battle of sleeping through the night because I know I need that in order to be an effective mother. And what does my child do? He sleeps 10 1/2 hours every night. It's lovely. However, other people say a toy can entertain their child for hours, but my child is only entertained for 30 min. at a max with any given thing. The jumperoo entertains him the longest and that 30 min. gives me time to shower, or eat breakfast. I choose to be ok with the fact that my child may get bored easily and where that might be a challenge later, I'll just have to deal with it.
My point is, I've come to realize I've judged harshly in the past and I was wrong. Yes, some people choose to fight no battles and let their kids do anything, and others are over controlling and I hate that but really that's their choice. I feel sorry for the kids sometimes but there's not much I can do about it by just judging them because that won't change a thing. I've been a mom a whole three months and I'm sure I've already been judged by people. Isn't it ridiculous how we can have so many problems of our own and as soon as we see someone who chose a different battle than us, we are so quick to say they must be doing something wrong as a parent? Granted, they are probably doing something wrong. Otherwise their kid would be perfect. But they chose other battles. I guess everyone has a different list of things that they feel is important for their child to learn, and while I may strongly disagree with some people's lists, I know my list isn't perfect and all I can do is the best I can. Which, I'm sure, is what everyone else is doing as well. So, sorry world for me being so critical. Just don't complain to me about it when your child is a brat, you chose that. ;)
P.S. I know some children act a certain way no matter what you do, so please no one be offended by this post. I'm throwing out a general idea but I know there are always exceptions. :)
Happy New Year! | 2023 Recap
1 year ago
I like that post. I agree we do choose our battles. I have to say we as parents have a BIG influence on how our children act. Ya they have there personality but they watch and observe us more than we realize.