Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Life is pretty darn good. :)

It seems like over the 5 1/2 weeks there have been a few days and more than a few moments when I have thought, "why did I choose this?" I feel guilty saying that and I felt guilty thinking it but sometimes it was hard not to reminisce how easy life was before Patrick came along. However, lately I feel like I've been getting the hang of things and I know that I wouldn't change how my life is now for anything. I love my little boy more than I thought possible and as I wake up early every morning and cuddle with my little guy I can't help but think how lucky I am. I love that he's starting to coo at us and smile and suck his thumb(yes, he has officially found his thumb) and I even love those early morning feedings when he just lays there holding my pinky with his little hand. This is a picture of what I found last Sunday after church. Everyone was apparently tired. :) I love my little family.

P.S. To anyone who may be having a baby in the future, I would totally recommend the book, "Babywise: Giving infants the gift of sleep." The title is something like that. Anyway, someone recommended I read that book(thank you Heather) and it has honestly been a lifesaver. If you want your baby to sleep through the night at an early age and get on a good schedule, read the book!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Little family outing...and other stuff

Last Sunday, our little family decided to take an afternoon drive to Mesa Falls. In my last post about Mesa Falls, I mentioned something about getting car sick but little did I know at the time that it was the start of morning sickness because I was pregnant with Patrick! I'm glad he was on the outside with us this time. :) Also, last week Erika came to Rexburg to visit/help out with things so she got to meet Patrick. It was really good to see her because she's been off on all sorts of adventures. Lucky for us, she's finally settled down in Utah. :)

It was my dad's birthday on the 21st, so my grandparents came to celebrate. Of course, everyone wants to hold a cute, little baby :) Although, he's not so little anymore. Patrick is bigger than some babies that are 2-3 months old already.

Patrick loved Erika. I think he loved her more than me... Actually, he calms down more for his grandparents too which doesn't say much for me. At least I'm the one with the food :)

It was a little too bright for his liking.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

One Month

Today is Patrick's one month birthday! It's hard to believe a month has gone by since this little guy joined our family. Here's a few pictures of Patrick at one month old.

Max was trying to cuddle with him this morning

I just thought his little mittens were cute

He thought dad was pretty funny

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Slow Down!

Patrick is only 3 1/2 weeks old and it already feels like he's changed a ton. Not only has he grown in size, but also in his personality. He's not quite the laid back baby he was the first couple weeks. He's gotten so squirmy! I'm assuming he got that from me since my nickname as a little kid was wiggle worm. I had a hard time holding still too. For the last couple days, not even feeding can make him stop moving. He's even figured out how to turn from his stomach to his back. He did it twice last night, one of which we got on recording. Now we just have to figure out how to get it from Jon's phone to here...hopefully I'll post that soon. If he wasn't turning over, he was trying to crawl. Not successfully, but he got his knees up pretty well. He just couldn't figure out what to do with his arms. It feels like he's growing up so fast, yet at the same time so slowly. I can't wait till he does certain things, like giggling or sleeping for 8 hours straight, but at the same time I want him to stay small for a long time. I guess we can't have it all. :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Goin' Home

For the last 2 1/2 weeks, my parents have been kind enough to let us stay out at their house. Jon works at night, as everyone knows, and I was a little overwhelmed with having a new baby and being alone every night so it's been nice being out here. My parents have been great with helping me, feeding me and just overall putting up with us taking over the house. Jon got some vacation time this week so we're heading home to adjust to being new parents on our own. I have a bunch of random pictures from the last couple weeks so this is really just a post to put all of those on here. Again, sorry if everyone is tired of seeing picture after picture of our new addition, but it's meant to be a family journal and I want to have as many pictures as possible.

Yesterday, we went to my dad's last chemo treatment so we got a few pictures of him, my mom and the nurses with Patrick. Of course, a newborn is always a hit, wherever they go.

We kind of got a picture of Patrick smiling. I know they say smiling at this age is accidental or gas, but Patrick does it all the time. And a lot of times it's in response to things we're doing. I just say he's a genius child that does everything early. ;)

Another picture in his boppy pillow. I don't know why, but he loves to have his hands up. He sleeps like this a lot.

Dad and Patrick sleeping together

I just thought this picture was cute because of how Patrick was looking up at his dad. They look more and more alike everyday. I don't think he inherited many of my genes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Thank you Patrick.

I've started to accept the fact that as a new mom, I'll always be tired. I know in my last post I said Patrick only woke up once in the night but that little victory didn't last very long. However, last night Patrick decided to sleep 7 hours straight. I never thought 7 hours would be so glorious. Ever since Friday night, his length of sleep has gotten longer and longer. He must know his mom is absolutely horrible at night. So, thank you Patrick for being such a laid back, easy baby who's willing to help your mom out with sleeping at night.

Here's a couple pictures of Jon Patrick at 2 weeks old:

Our favorite cuddle position

This boppy pillow is a life saver. Patrick loves sleeping in it.