Sunday, June 12, 2011

Baby Shower

Baby shower time! Yesterday, my best friend threw me a baby shower and did a really great job. We ate lots of food, played a cute game and opened lots of presents! Most of these pictures were taken after the baby shower, since I'm smart and didn't remember to really take pictures during, but what can you do.

Me, Lyndsee and my big belly

My mom and I

My aunt Karen

People are so creative. Lyndsee made this 3-wheeler out of diapers and it was soo cute.

Lots of food!


  1. How fun!! I'm so sad to have missed it Natalie! You are looking big and beautiful!! :) :) (Big in the healthy pregnant soon-to-be-mom way) :) :) :) :)

  2. ha ha Thank you. I think sometimes I'm in denial with how big I am and then I see a picture and it's quite depressing. I just have to remind myself it's because there's a little baby inside!
