Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2 Years

Yesterday(April 11th), Jon and I celebrated our 2nd year anniversary. We made it 2 years! It's crazy how fast time flies. People say the first few years of marriage are the hardest and if that's true, we're going to have it pretty easy.

This is us two years ago on our honeymoon...

And this is us now. We took this picture right before we went on our date to Carinos and Gnomeo and Juliet. The main difference from then and now is that we've both just expanded a little ;) I'm glad Jon took the leap of faith to propose, even though I wasn't giving much positive reinforcement to the idea, and I'm glad I said yes...eventually. Now I'm excited that we finally get to expand our little family together; with a human baby this time :)


  1. You two are so cute! Congratulations! This little guy is going to be super adorable because his parents are super cute!

  2. You're too kind, Nancy. But thank you and I hope so!

  3. Yay for 2 years! You guys look great! :)

  4. Super cute! How was Gnomeo and Juliet? Ive been wanting to see it!

  5. Gnomeo and Juliet was pretty cute. Not a must buy movie, but still good to see once.
