Monday, March 28, 2011


I think I have a mental problem or something. I think I'm going to blame it on pregnancy because that's what pregnant women always do. If I forget my keys, it's because I'm pregnant. If my pants don't fit(not just in the stomache area), it's because I'm pregnant. No control over emotions? Pregnant. Anyway, I've found myself obsessing over everything for the last little while. What doctor should I go to? What color should I paint the baby room? Should I sew my own baby quilt(which means learning how to use a sewing machine as well) or buy one? A stroller for $125 or $139? Why is my baby not moving much today when he was going crazy yesterday? Should I call the doctor, even though he'd probably say it's perfectly normal? Which I already know it's normal because I've spent hours reading anything I can about pregnancy and raising kids. I can't make up my mind on anything! Not because all the choices seem so good, but because nothing seems like it's exactly what I'm looking for. I changed doctors around 16 weeks because I was obsessing over finding the perfect personality/competence. Even now, I ask every person I know who they went to, why they liked them, how much they cost, etc. because I think I would probably still switch if I thought there was a better option. The more I search, the more I think no doctor is that great. Baby room...I can't say how many color swatches I've looked at or how many baby rooms I've googled to see what style I want and then how much I obsessed over finding a blanket set that matched the wall color I want. Which, I'm still working on. Jon is great with deciding what he wants. If he likes it, he chooses it and doesn't think a second thought. I find a baby quilt I want to make(which I came to the decision of making one because ones already made were never quite right), but then have to search hours and hours more to make sure that's the best one. The more I look, the less anything looks good...including the one I picked out. It's not just baby things, though. If a student isn't progressing, I obsess over whether it's me or just them not trying. And then I obsess over whether the parent thinks I'm doing my job or not. Even if a kid only shows up half of the time, I obsess over whether the parent is still going to try to blame me for being flaky(which happened today, hence the post), when really, I'm obsessing over not being flaky. I think I need another vacation...and can someone decorate my baby room for me while I'm gone? :)

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