Thursday, March 3, 2011

The belly...

I've been kind of bad about taking pictures during the pregnancy but here is a picture that was taken around 20 weeks! I'll just say that my belly's not the only thing growing... Yesterday we had the official gender/overall health of the baby check and everything looks great. He's still a boy...definitely....and everything looks perfect. Everything was around the 50 percentile except his abdomen area which is more around 85 percentile so I guess he's chubby. :) I'm sure he'll be a healthy size just like me and Jon were. Although, I'm praying he doesn't come out over 10 pounds like Jon was. Besides that, all of his internal organs looked perfect and he's still plenty active. During the ultrasound he was using the placenta as a pillow and sucking on his fingers...kind of cute. I started feeling him kick a few weeks ago but now the little kicks are getting strong enough to feel on the outside. Although, whenever I try to call Jon over quickly to feel it, the baby decides to stop so Jon still hasn't had the experience of feeling it quite yet. There's still plenty of time for that, though. I'm glad we still have a few months before the little one arrives because we haven't gotten any baby necessities(besides a few clothes) like a crib, car seat, etc. but on the other hand, I'm feeling soo impatient. I want to enjoy having the big belly and everything that goes with being pregnant, but on the other hand, I just want to hold the little one that I've already started loving. It took it to a new level when I saw him on the ultrasound doing normal baby things and now that he's kicking more, everything seems more real. The first trimester felt like it lasted an eternity but I'm about half way through the second trimester now and I'm hoping it flies by a little faster. By the way, how do people afford all the baby equipment!? I mean, baby monitors alone are around $70(and I'm sure the price can get higher) and they're one of the little items. I should have started saving up a long time ago... Besides the baby, nothing too exciting has happened. Same old school and work. Jon and I realized, again, how much we dislike living in the Millhollow trailer park. I won't go in to detail because I'm too lazy now that I've already written a lot, but honestly, I've never felt like such a rule breaker in my life. I could go on for awhile but I just feel like there are soo many dumb rules that don't matter or don't make a lot of sense but, whatever. We won't be here forever.


  1. We have a crib that is not in use right now. You are welcome to it for the time being. Not sure at this point if we will ever need it again or not, but someone might as well be getting some use out of it. Let me know.

  2. I got quite a bit of stuff from my baby shower so I'm sure you will too. Also check at places like Mommy n' Me, DI, and craigslist for things. Sometimes you can find stuff in really good condition for super cheap or even free on craigslist.

  3. Whoo hoo! Look at that little belly! :) I'm so excited for you!!! :) :) :) I can't wait to meet him!! :D :D

  4. KaraLyn, are you hinting that you're thinking of having another baby ;) That's a nice offer on letting us borrow the crib and I'll let you know. Although, I guess if we want more than one baby, we'll have to break down and spend the money eventually. And Nancy, it's true that baby showers help-it's just mainly like the crib, car seat, etc. that will add up-although I haven't checked out craigslist. I've been looking at baby stuff since before I was pregnant so I'm not surprised by the expense, just sad to see money/savings go so fast. And Erika, I'm glad you guys will be back by the time he comes so you can meet the little guy. He's sure to be adorable ;)
