Friday, March 25, 2011

Growing baby

I view this blog as more of a family journal that I can print off at the end of the year, so sorry if there's a lot of updates on things that might seem boring to other people. But, boring or not, I think it's fun to document on new things happening inside of me with our soon to be baby. I've felt the baby move for quite awhile but it's only been the last few weeks that it's been a more definate movement. And it's been even less weeks since I've been able to see his movements on the outside. Since he's inside of me, I don't miss anything but Jon hasn't gotten to experience much of the movement. I think he's felt one kick. Last night was great because the baby was moving a lot and Jon could actually see quite a bit of the movement on the outside. It was like a movie...both of us just laying on the bed staring at my stomache for 15 minutes. ha ha And, the baby gave Jon's hand a couple hearty kicks which he thought was great. :) Even though I can feel him, it's still hard to look at my stomache and imagine that a real human being is inside of me. I'm just so blasted impatient to see the little guy, I can barely stand it. Sometimes my patience is endless, and other times it's...not. To put it mildly. So, here we are with absolutely no baby supplies(besides a bazillion diapers we got incredibly cheap because of a tip from a couponing friend) and I still wish my due date was yesterday. :) Although, now I'm actually thinking about the delivery, like, all the time and thinking, "why did I get pregnant again?" I'm deathly afraid of the big epidural needle so I'm thinking of going without. I realize that's probably a million times more painful than a needle is and I really wish needles weren't one of my phobias in life. Anyone have advice/ideas on that?


  1. I don't think you will really need advice on the epidural because once you're in labor, good, honest to goodness labor, you won't care about a needle, no matter the size! I can honestly say, after having 3 epidurals, they are not bad at all and I can't remember one of them hurting. You are definitely more focused on getting through the contractions! Not sure if that makes you feel better or not, but the good news is, labor doesn't last forever and then you have that sweet baby as a reward (that's what I'm trying to remind myself of right now as I think about going through it again!) Now when are you due again?

  2. I don't know what to tell you about the epidural because I've never had one. Like you during my first pregnancy I was too scared to even think about it and in the end couldn't have one anyway. Personally labor without one isn't horrible but I'm sure that getting one would be amazing. I just have my babies to fast for it to really matter. I'm only in pain for 15 minutes and I can deal with that. So sorry that I can't help you with that. Either way though you will have a sweet little baby in the end. Oh, and there are other options besides epidurals: painkillers through an IV. Yes you still get poked but its not a ginormous needle. Good luck and I can't wait to see your baby, I'm sure he is going to be absolutely adorable because he has 2 cute parents!

  3. Hey! That's what I'm doing with my blog too! (keeping it more as a family journal and printing off the pages) Man... it's like we are related or something... :D :D

    Feeling the baby move must be the coolest experience in pregnancy! I'm glad Jon finally got to feel it too! :) How fun :) :) :)

    P.S. do you have a registry or something? e-mail me and let me know some things you guys need/want. :D

  4. Erika, I swear that's always going to be our phrase. ha ha Maybe, because we are related...? And yes, feeling the baby move is great, but there's still something in the back of my head that says it's not really a human being inside of me, just gas :) I think of it more just reassuring because it means he's alive. And we don't have a registry yet...I probably won't think to do one till closer to the baby shower which will probably be in June. But, that's nice of you. :)

    Nancy, you are soo lucky with birth. Honestly, I hope that's how mine works out...really quickly! And, thank you, I hope he's adorable. I guess I'll love him either way ;)

    Tara, I'm obsessing over the needle, but you're right. I'm sure as soon as there's bigger pain, I'm going to totally forget my dumb phobia and be pleading for anything to help with the pain. And, I'm due in the middle of July so 3 1/2 months left. Good luck with your baby! I'm glad you're finally getting a girl!

  5. Nat, it will always be our phrase. :D
