Thursday, September 5, 2013


Gotta be honest...camping has never really been my thing.  The smell of campfire brings back some not so fond memories of cold, sleepless nights, a few loooong girl's camp weeks and some awkward dates.  We have little kiddos now and camping just seems like a lot of work just to exhaust ourselves.  BUT, Kami invited us to go camping over labor day weekend and I thought the idea sounded fun 1-because it's always great to hang out with family, 2-Jon has always liked camping and I think it's a good thing for our boys to pick up on that and 3-it was at Rigby Lake...which means there is water and a little man-made beach.  Beaches and water are as appealing to me as campfires are unappealing.  If I could live by a beach, I would.  Beaches, on the other hand, remind me of fun trips with the family, orchestra trips, going to Disneyland, the remedy to 6 months of intense morning sickness and my family's last trip with my dad.  Oh, sunshine, sand and ocean... I love you.

Anyway, we went camping.  And it was great.  The boys did better than expected with the whole sleeping out in the cold and on a hard ground thing.  Aiden had a little more trouble because we had some party animals in the campground next to us until probably 4 in the morning(I was totally ready to go chew some people out until I realized that would mean getting out from underneath the warmish blanket) but then he slept in until 10 the next morning so that was great.  Patrick was too cute.  He got cold and snuggled next to Jon and fell right back asleep.  I loved seeing the two of them cuddled together.  And I also loved seeing Patrick play with his cousins.
Clayt and Patrick

Oh hey, just taking a picture of ourselves after a long night.  I probably shouldn't even put this on here so that you guys don't feel bad by how attractive we look right after we wake up

We've been to Rigby Lake quite a few times this summer and each time Patrick has gotten better and better at getting into the water.  Once he had a bunch of cousins running in and out of the water, he realized it really was one of the greatest things ever and thoroughly enjoyed himself.  And he loved riding in that little boat.

Also, I finally learned how to swim on this camping trip!  I can no longer say I don't know how to swim because I'm actually pretty great at it...or at least on my way. ;)   No more doggy paddle for me.


  1. You are graceful as a swan in the water :) It really was a fun camping trip other than Clayton and I sunburning to the point of blisters and me throwing my back out hardcore. Thanks for going on a camp out with me. Love you.

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog, hubby. yeah, I guess every great thing has its downfalls. :)

  3. this is awesome! i'm so jealous you guys got to go camping. i've been dying to all summer, and have been begging Kevin (he likes to, too), but his schedule is just so dang busy right lame! and that's super you learned how to swim :) Kevin didn't know how either when i met him!

    1. Now that you guys are moving to a warmer climate, hopefully you'll have a lot more opportunities to go camping! Congratulations, by the way. :)
