Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Idaho State Fair

This past Saturday we decided to pack up the kids and go to the Idaho State Fair.  We almost didn't go because 1-it had been a long week of work, work, canning, work, etc. and 2-Saturday was supposed to be a nice day and the lake was calling to me.  But, Patrick has been obsessed with horses and cows and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to let him get up close to them.  I've never gone to the fair to see the farm animals but that's what took me there this year.  Unfortunately, seeing those big animals up close terrified him and I didn't get to see the excited look I was hoping for.  Isn't it funny how we always anticipate what people's reactions will be and we look forward to it and rarely does it live up to how it is in our heads.  For example:  "Hey, here's this Christmas gift that I put a lot of thought into and I hope you really love it.  Maybe even cry.  Oh, you don't like it.  Cool."

Eventually Patrick warmed up to the animals and started calling them all Little Thunder(a horse in a cartoon he likes to watch) and that was adorable.  Also, the fair had this little pony ride that made the whole trip worth it...that, and the greasy junk food.

Jon and I got our "hick" on and broke out our plaid shirts.  I think his buttons are even shiny...

 The gang.

Poor little guy was exhausted from not getting much of a nap that day.

Patrick wouldn't touch an animal without us forcing him to.  I think he cried after I took this picture.  Although, I don't think it helped that Jon started off by saying, "Look at that goat!  Careful not to get by his mouth so he doesn't bite you."

And a picture by the tractor because it's another thing Patrick loves right now, even though he doesn't look excited in the picture.

Even though we didn't stay for very long, I think we all still had fun and I definitely want to go back next year when both of our boys can enjoy it.  Even if my main reason is so that I can eat one of their yummy caramel funnel cakes.  Or a pull apart.  That was pretty good, too.


  1. I totally understand about those let-down reactions! Luckily, this wasn't Jed's first year going to the fair and he knew exactly what to expect. I think Patrick will do even better next year. :) Glad you had fun. Gluttony is the best!

  2. You guys are such a cute family! Love you all! And Im allllll to familiar with the let down. I always get such a hype built up in my head of our family outings being a certain way and I have to just toss that out the window and roll with it!
