Tuesday, April 16, 2013

One month

On Sunday the 14th, this little guy turned one month old.

I now see why people say time goes by faster with their second child.  Tired or not, I wish I could keep Aiden in this stage for awhile.  He's such a sweet, cuddly baby and I'm trying to take full advantage of that.  If I was one of those parents that believed in co-sleeping with their child, he'd probably already be sleeping through the night because he sleeps better when he's cuddled next to me.  Sometimes I give in and we do nap time together-I just can't help it when I have a baby who snuggles in so well. ;)  His little personality is coming out more and more and I swear he's already given me a couple real smiles.  He's starting to coo and make all sorts of cute noises and I can't help but be in love with this little boy.  Physically he's grown quite a bit.  Since coming home from the hospital, he's doubled in weight.  For record sake, here are his numbers over the last month:
         2 days old: 4 pds. 10 oz.
         1 week old: 6 pds. 8 oz.(we were busy that week trying to get his weight back up to his birth weight)
         2 weeks old: 7 pds. 5 oz.
         1 month: 9 pds. 10 oz.

I don't know if I should be proud my babies gain weight fast or if I should take it as a sign that I'm eating too much candy so my milk is more fatty. :)  I'm going to believe my babies are just really good eaters.  Patrick wasn't a fan of nursing but did really well with the bottle and Aiden has been the opposite.  He caught onto nursing really quickly, which made life a lot easier at 2 in the morning.  It's amazing to see how different and unique our boys are from each other.

As I'm sitting here writing and thinking about how grateful I am for the boys in my life, as well as how grateful I am for all of my family, I can't help but think about people who are struggling right now.  On a personal and not-so personal level.  I feel an overwhelming sadness for those who were affected in the Boston marathon bombing, for the parents and family of the girl who went missing in Utah, and on a more personal level, for family friends who are going through the same thing we did around this time of year.  Watching someone you love slowly slip away due to brain cancer is heart-breaking.  Our heart aches for them.  And while we have the knowledge of eternal families and we know they're going to a better place(a phrase used much to often when trying to console someone in pain), we still grieve and feel an incredible loss.  Jon and I had the opportunity to go to a wedding this weekend(which will be another post by itself), and I was reminded how grateful I am that someday everything will be made right.  Someday, we won't ache for lost loved ones.  I couldn't help the tears from flowing during the ceremony and it had nothing to do with the actual wedding(although I was happy for the couple) and everything to do with the feelings and confirmation that what happens in the temple is real.  Eternal families are real.  We're praying for all of the families struggling right now and I hope that they're all able to feel some level of comfort-wherever it may come from.