Monday, February 27, 2012

Fun at home

Patrick helped me fold laundry today.

Chores might take a little longer with Patrick around, but he's too cute for me to care.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

7 months and random life activities

Happy 7 months to my favorite little man!  Patrick has changed a lot this past month.  He's talking/babbling constantly, he loves to stand and crawl, he's had two adorable little teeth pop through and he's just overall developing more and more personality.  I really can't get enough of his laugh.  Patrick and I have a special little bond but no one can get him laughing like his dad can.  I love hearing the two of them in the other room with Patrick just giggling away.  Patrick has also decided food really is kind of great and the only thing I've given him, multiple times, that he still doesn't like is peaches...weird little boy.

This has become one of Patrick's favorite toys...along with garbage from our garbage can, boxes, random papers, and stuffing from the dog toys.  Why do we buy toys?  

 Karolyn's been making hats and we've benefited from this(if anyone wants to buy one, let me know.  She has some cute ones).

You can kind of see his little teeth.  Obviously it was almost nap time because his eyes are getting a little red.

It's really funny when Patrick tries to take Abby's toys.  She's not to crazy about it yet...

With Jon gone to school all day, I've started to become a little stir crazy in the mornings.  This is great because Patrick and I have decided to do some de-junking.  I feel like since Jon is working and going to school, and I'm only working in the afternoons, I shouldn't waste all of Patrick's nap time on pinterest, facebook, blogger(except for right now...), and any other site I can get addicted to.  So, my mornings consist of lots of cleaning!  I have to give myself a schedule or I literally can waste hours in a day.  I think over the past two weeks I've taken 10 car loads to the dump or the D.I.  I love it but Jon's been sort of...struggling a little.  Our conversations go like this:

Me:  "Jon, do you really need to keep that little toothpick man from high school?"
Jon:  "Yes.  It was made for me when I was in track.  I've had that since sophmore year."

Then I get this look like, how can you not understand that I need to keep that?

I'm one for being sentimental and there's a lot of stuff I've kept for a long time just because it was from my childhood and I've had it, well...a long time.  You develop an emotional attachment to things but I've decided I like a clean house and room to move in more than stuff, hence the de-junking.  It's not like our house was horrible before but definitely had some room for improvement.

*Random side note: I have really loved our warmer winter this year and now we have snow and puddles of water in our driveway.  Can it be spring already?

Anway, happy 7 months bud!  We can't imagine life without you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love is in the air

After checking facebook tonight, I realized I'm the only person on this planet that hasn't written a valentine's post!  Jon and I spent a  very romantic day working and going to school.  To top it off, we bought Papa Murphey's pizza, watched an espisode of Psych and finished it off with more homework. :)  But really, I'm not one for planned romance, so it was pretty much perfect...minus the homework part. *Side note: Patrick loves the Psych theme song.  He literally starts dancing(AKA bouncing) every time he hears it and he gets all excited and smiley.  Apparently I watched too much of it while he was in the womb.  Anyway, it wouldn't be Valentine's day if I didn't brag on the special boys in my life.  Jon continues to be the most patient, loving man I could have ever married and Patrick continues to be my special buddy who I can't help falling for every time he gives me one of his famous smiles.

Also, guess who said his first word?  Jon!  Kidding, he totally started talking like 10 years ago. ;)  Anyway, I think I can officially say Patrick's first word is Mama.  Remember a month ago when I said he started to say mamamama over and over again?  Well, Sunday morning(Feb. 12) I woke up to Patrick going, Mama, Mama, Mama!  I might have thought it was a fluke but then we went to church.  I have get to play the organ in sacrament so I was sitting on the stand.  I look out in the congregation and Patrick is kind of looking around and then he sees me and starts yelling, Mama! right in the middle of sacrament.  He did it a few times so Jon had to take him out to the hall.  I was totally proud. :)

Anyway, Happy Valentines Day to everyone!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Loves, Hates and an overdue BM

I just want to document a few of the things Patrick really loves and a few of the things he really hates at 6 months old.

He Loves:

-peas, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, milk specially manufactured from me
-"playing" the piano
-seeing himself in the mirror
-getting his own way ;)
-having his picture taken and then looking at himself
-crawling after Abby and Max
-sleep.  although sometimes this could be on the hate list, particularly around his 3:30 naptime
-his bottle

He Hates:

-being held in one place
-peaches(like, really hates these)
-bananas(so far the fruit thing has obviously not gone very well)
-jumperoo(dang it-this one is pretty recent)
-sitting still

This is just a picture of Patrick sitting at the dining table eating.


I think our Blessed Memories is overdue so I thought it was time to reminisce again.  Guess what I found the other day in our spare bedroom?  Does anyone remember playing the classic, old, original Nintendo?  Personally, nothing will ever compete with some of the classics so we decided to hook it up today just to see if the box still worked and it did!

 Oh happy day!

So many memories come back.  This is a combined memory because even though Jon and I didn't really know each other in grade school, both of us loved playing this Nintendo.



Bring back memories for anyone else?  Remember Mario Bros 1, 2 and 3, Dr. Mario, Duck Hunt?  These games entertained me for more hours than I should admit when I was little.  It made me a little nostalgic again as I played it a little today.  Wasn't being a little kid the best? :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Life as of late

Since all of my posts have been about Patrick, since July, I decided to update the blog on what Jon and I have been up to...besides taking care of Patrick.  It'll be a short post, but a post nonetheless.  Jon started school in January, cut down on a lot of hours at work and is now quite enjoying school.  It's amazing the difference when you get more than 3 broken up hours of sleep a day.  We figured his career is more important than his loyalty to Broulims and living like poor college students is ok, temporarily.  I'm still working at Fergusons, doing my thing rehairing bows and teaching students.  See why I don't post about us very often?  We're like the least interesting couple around.  Does anyone else feel like they're totally boring but yet constantly busy? Our schedule consists of trading off Patrick between who's going to school or working and then we meet up at dinner time, put Patrick down, and then fall asleep together to a movie.  Currently, our top movies are, "Just go with it" and "Couples Retreat."   Yes, I'll watch them over and over again.  Really, they're both just romantic comedies and I probably wouldn't recommend them for everyone but I'm aching to travel somewhere, particularly tropical, and these movies take me there for approximately 1 hour and 45 min.  So, if anyone was dying to know what we do with our lives, there ya go.  That's as interesting as it gets right there. ;)  Just so no one thinks I'm pessimistic, I love where we're at as a little family.  I hope we're not in this phase for a super long time but right now it just works for us. :)