Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Aiden turns five

This week Aiden turned five.  He's old enough for kindergarten now and more than ready to go.  He loves being home and has a hard time being away from his family, but academically he's going to be so prepared.  He already knows his letters and their sounds, writes out his names, writes all the letters, reads and writes three letter words, does addition and subtraction with his brother and loves to try to rhyme his words.  He's a smart kid and even though I know he'll miss being home, he's also really social and I know he'll excel when he's in class making friends.  Writing that makes me want to cry because Aiden has always been my little buddy.  As he's gotten older, Patrick and him have definitely become best friends and spend most of their day together, but I still think of him as my baby and my sweet little Aiden(even though he has a younger sister!).  I don't know if I'll ever be able to let go of that but I'm so proud of the little man he's growing up to be.  He's so kind, tender-hearted, sweet and loving.  He's a peacemaker.  He passes out compliments like they're candy.  He gives the sweetest hugs and kisses just because he likes to.  He helps watch out for his sister and he continually makes us laugh.  He's smart and witty and I love his sense of humor.  I wish I had written down more of some of the things he's said.  His spirit gives me comfort and I kind of wish he could stay my little boy a lot longer than I know he's going to.

For his birthday we went with a PJ Mask theme because that was one of the ideas he mentioned.  He's really into cartoon that "have no bad guys."  He can't stand tension or any type of sadness in movies or books so he prefers stories or movies like, "Daniel the Tiger," "Paw Patrol," or "PJ Mask."  Although his brother has gotten him into all of the Pokemon characters, especially Pikachu, but I think he's more interested in it because he thinks some of the little animals are cute.  Anyway, here's some pictures of the day.

These are a few pictures I took when I was taking pictures for one of the walls in our house.  It was hard to pick because he's such a cutie and a ham.  All of these capture his personality.

We love you, Aiden!

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