Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Sammy at 8 and 9 months old

My baby is 9 months old and I haven't updated on here since Christmas!  So, it's time.  At 8 months I feel like Sam took off on a lot of things.  It was during that month that she started to solidly sit up, crawl, pull herself up and stand against furniture, consistently says mamama, dadadada, bababa, etc. and hold her own bottle(at least when she feels like it), opens and closes drawers and cabinet doors, clap her hands and wave hello.  At 9 months she started playing peek a boo behind the couch and chairs and it is the cutest thing ever.  Like, she literally went from a baby who would lay down and entertain herself on her playmat to being a baby that is always. on. the. move.  Always talking, always moving, won't hold still when we hold her-even if we're trying to jump her on our laps, twists and practically throws herself out of your arms if your standing still while holding much energy.  She's still super happy and makes us laugh and smile everyday.  Her little personality is starting to come out and she's a girl that knows what she wants.  We all are obsessed with her.  That's all there is to it.  She smiles all the way up through her eyes and those smiles come easily.  She laughs easily.  She loves her brothers so much and is completely content just being around them and watching them play.  As long as they hand her a little toy, she is most content examining their toys and watching them.  I love watching their relationship with her.  Of course, she loves her mom and dad as well and she is really good at making us feel like she thinks we're the funniest human beings on earth.

She's slept well for the last couple of months since we increased her solids.  She's never been one to drink a ton of milk and I was slow to introduce a ton of solids(thinking she would just get more full and really not drink any milk), but really she's consistently drunk the same amount of milk while eating more and more solids.  She sleeps, usually, from 8:30 to somewhere between 7:30 and 8:00 which has been super nice.  She still takes 2 naps which are anywhere from 1 1/2 hrs. to 2 hrs.  Or if she woke up early, she'll take an extra long nap in the morning.  Sam definitely loves her fruits but we are working on the veggies.  I don't think there's a veggie that's she's eaten more than a couple bites of
 but she's stubborn so if she doesn't like it she is quick to spit it out.  Her disgusted face is pretty hilarious.

Here are a couple pictures that I took when she was a little over 8 months old:

And since we have General Conference on Easter, I decided to take pictures of her in her Easter dress this past Sunday when she was almost 9 months old.  I still love the idea that I get to buy little girl dresses.  I would seriously rather shop for Sam than for myself because the baby clothes are cuter and she looks cuter in the clothes. ;)

I know that's a lot of pictures but I'm obsessed with her and I'm obsessed with her sweet little Easter dress and I'm especially obsessed with her in the Easter dress.  Anyway, she is seriously the sweetest little thing.  She's a huge blessing in our lives and brings us joy everyday.  Not gonna lie, she exhausts me.  Her energy is overwhelming, exhausting and adorable.  But whenever she falls asleep I breathe a sigh of relief.  I think she's the most active of all our children so far and that makes me a little scared.  I love that she has life and energy and fire in her.  But heaven help us when she gets older...;)  

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