Wednesday, October 26, 2016


I'm really behind on updating about our life for the last couple months but I'm going to try to catch up in a few, hopefully not too long, posts.  So, Patrick started kindergarten.  Guys, this was a struggle on what to do.  Patrick is the youngest in his class.  He only turned 5 a couple weeks before school started and I'd heard so many stories about why I should wait and how boys do so much better waiting until they're six.  I get it.  Jon and I spent so many nights/days talking about what to do.  Patrick's young but he'd already been to preschool for 2 years and his teacher said she thought he would do better going to kindergarten.  Patrick gets bored at home and honestly I'm not that mom that comes up with a million crafts to do with them, or plays endless amounts of games with them.  We play but honestly, when it came down to it, mommy instinct said that he would do well in kindergarten and honestly, our relationship would benefit from him getting out and socializing with kids for a few hours.
And it's been great.  Even after putting Patrick in school, I went back and forth on taking him out but he's loved it and after talking to his teacher at parent teacher conference, I was reassured that we made the right decision.  Patrick loves to learn.  If he could go all day, he would.  He loves being around other kids, the teachers, going to the library, recess, PE and every other part of school.  From day one, Patrick has been a go-getter and I keep trying to think of him as different than he is, but he constantly reminds me that he's ready for things and that he's becoming an independent, intelligent, social, fun loving kid.  He's not perfect.  I'm not perfect.  No one is, but man, that kid surprises me all of the time.  Enough rambling, here's some pictures from his first day.
Patrick's kitten was sick so he took her to the vet with me before school.

My little stud.
Patrick, some day you'll hopefully read this and just know that I'm so proud of the young man you're becoming.  We have rough days but I'm so grateful you're our first and such a great big brother, son, student, grandson, and everything else.  We just really love you.

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