Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Home Improvement pictures and potty training

This past winter, my mom added on a new addition to her house and I never got around to posting pictures on here.  Remember me posting the pictures of us demolishing a kitchen on Thanksgiving?  That kitchen has now turned into a living room.

And this kitchen is the new addition.  It is quite the hang out area-the boys love running around that island.
Jon and I have been searching through, literally, hundreds of house plans and all of the construction around my mom's house has gotten us excited.

In other news, guess who's potty trained?!
 I believe we've gone a full week without any accidents so I'm saying we are officially out of diapers.  It's sooo nice not having two kids in diapers.

Honesty moment: Patrick is going through a rough stage for me.  My proudest mom moments have not come during this phase called the terrible twos.  Potty training was rough and after multiple attempts and waiting for Patrick to be ready, he's finally potty trained but it wouldn't have been successful if I'd tried to force it a day too soon.  He is the sweetest little boy but he has a stubborn streak that has tested my patience over and over again(He gets it from me so you'd think I'd understand).  I know his whining and desire to be independent are normal...but it's been rough.  But, I'm learning and Patrick is forgiving and at the end of the day, I might be happy for bedtime, but I would do anything for this little boy.  I can't believe that my first-born is turning 3 in a few months and then going to pre-school and then into Primary.  The other day I got emotional thinking about how my days are quickly coming to an end where I get to be home with him all day.  Before I know it, he'll be graduating from High School.  But until then, I'm trying to learn patience and enjoy my days with this strong-willed, independent, sweet, car obsessed little boy.    

1 comment:

  1. Two was rough for us too! Three was suddenly magical. Still has its moments and I'm learning daily, but for us, three has been awesome! I can't believe Jed turns four in just a few weeks. Too quick.
