Saturday, April 12, 2014

5 Years-Our love story

15 years ago, in 8th grade orchestra, there was this boy that caught my attention.  I have memories of sitting in orchestra, talking to this boy while a movie was playing(probably South Pacific or White Christmas) and thinking he was really nice.  I also remember that when I got "promoted" to 1st chair viola, he leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "hey, look at you moving up in the world."  And I got butterflies.

High School came and we ran into each other at the opening bonfire and again I realized he was really sweet.  Football games came and we started looking for each other.  We became close friends and by the time we were 16, we started dating.  I was in love. ;)

Senior year came and my heart was broken by this boy.  Shattered.  I thought my world was ending but luckily college came.  And I realized it's pretty fun to much as possible.  This boy left on his mission and I dated some more and fell in love again.  Things didn't work out but I was done with dating and no longer interested in the boy from 8th grade orchestra.

This boy came home from his mission and I told him that I was only interested in being friends, but he stuck by my side.  He listened to me cry over boys.  He became my counselor.  He started dating other girls and I started dating other boys and we both became interested in other people.  However, none felt quite right and by Christmas time, I decided that I had to know either way if this boy(Jon) was the right one.  So, I told him I thought we should date.

Two weeks later(5 1/2 years ago), Jon called up my dad to ask permission for my hand in marriage.  I'm glad my dad's comment of, "Are you sure?  Has she given you any indication she wants to marry you?" didn't deter him.  Jon later told me he just knew how he felt and didn't want another year to go by before he asked me to marry him.  So, he took me up to the Rexburg Temple on New Year's Eve and he said that he wanted me to take a walk with him.  I didn't think anything was up because I was still trying to decide how I felt about him so I told him it was freezing and I didn't want to get out of the car...even if he did have hot chocolate in a little thermos to keep us warm.

So he proposed.  In his old Ford Bronco.

And I didn't accept.

I made him get out of the car, get on his knee and propose again.

And then I told him I'd think about it.

A few days later(yes, I really made Jon wait for an answer), I went up to the temple and I finally got that feeling I had been waiting for in past relationships.  I just knew that was the direction my life would take.  My decision wasn't based off of lust or infatuation, but by spiritual promptings and a realization that I deeply cared for this man and I trusted him with my life.

5 years ago, yesterday, we were married in the Rexburg Temple.  And I love this man more deeply than I can say.  He has seen me through my hardest times, held my hand when I needed strength, and loved me with an unconditional love that has meant more to me than I can say.  I didn't know my personality when I got married but the Lord knew exactly who I would need to keep me stable.

Yesterday, I kept looking at Jon and thinking how lucky I am.  How lucky am I that I found a man who would do anything for me and our little family?  How lucky am I that I found a man that would sacrifice his own desires or pursuit to keep me happy if need be.  How lucky am I to find a partner in life who is willing to see me through my worst times and help me become better?  I couldn't have picked out a better partner for me.   And I love him more today than the day we were married.

Falling in love isn't always the fairy tale story.  Our story could be considered far from romantic but it's our story.  And I love it.  Someday, hopefully my kids will read this and they'll be trying to decide if they've found the right person.  I had so many times in the dating years where I would plead with the Lord to let me know if it was right.  And answers never came.  And drama and confusion came.   And it wasn't right.  But when I had finally found the right person, the Lord let me know because I had a feeling of peace.  And Jon felt the same way.  Every moment afterwards wasn't necessarily peaceful but when we thought of marrying each other, there was the feeling of just knowing.

Our life hasn't been perfect since being married but it's always felt natural and right.  We've had ups and downs and trials that have tested us as individuals but the important thing is that we've always confided in each other, made decisions together, and grown together.

And it's been fun.

Happy Anniversary, Jon.
5 years ago

Last fall
 Apparently I like dark blue and teal together.

1 comment:

  1. Looooved reading this! I can relate in so, so many ways. The dating game (I'm glad it's over!), the answer, how grateful I am now... you nailed it. I didn't know you two had known each other for so long. Very sweet! Happy anniversary!
