Monday, April 14, 2014

Aiden's 1 year pictures

This weekend, we had a lot of family in town which included my lovely cousin, Erika.  I always convince people with fancy cameras to take pictures of me and my family so I put her to work. ;)  I had completely spaced doing Aiden's 1 year pictures, which is weird for me since I obsess over pictures, so it all worked out perfectly.  She's sweet and said she wanted to take the pictures but either way, thank you Erika!!  These pictures capture his cute little personality. 

He really loved rocking back and forth on this chair so I had to stand close by to make sure he didn't fall and hurt himself on the cement.

I was excited to get a few pictures of me with my baby.

I love his little TOMS

Aiden and Carly loved playing on these chairs at my mom's house.  Cute little cousins. :)

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