Tuesday, February 25, 2014

We're pretty much the next flappy birds :)

Flappy fins is now ready for you all to download. :)

Sooo...remember how I mentioned a few months ago that Jon and I are developing apps together?  Well, we posted our first game tonight!  We're still working on our original games(they're a little more in depth) but when flappy birds came out and became so popular, we(along with every other developer in the world) did our own knock off.  So even though there are a million flappy...things, please download our game and we will be your best friends forever.  If you want us to be.  Also, this game was put together really fast and I think I spent a total of one hour on the graphics(note: I got my degree in music and I barely know how to turn on the computer so the graphics thing is all new to me) so be relatively kind to us in your reviews but we do want to know what you think.  Just don't write something like, "hey, this is the dumbest game I've ever played.  Nothing like flappy birds."

Thanks. :)

Right now it's only available on android devices but it will be coming soon to ios and whatever else is out there... Jon's the technology person so I should have had him write this post.

Here's our icon.  

 We just posted it and have a total of 3ish downloads so it's a looong ways down the list of flappy games so just keep scrolling down until you find it.  Or, you can find it faster by typing flappy fins jaybird in the search bar.  For those curious, the word jaybird is part of our "company" name.  Jay was my dad's middle name so the name was/is a dedication to him.  If you don't see the splash screen when you first open up the game, it's because Jon's trying to add it as I type this.  It might not be updated until tomorrow.  But, the game is still available to download.

We realize there's another game called Flappy Fins.  It's dumb.  Don't download it. ;)

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