Thursday, February 6, 2014

We're done with this winter stuff.

This is how we feel about winter nowadays:

Just as I started bragging to people about how we have avoided most of the sickness this year, we got hit.  And once we got hit, it was like our immune systems shut down and we started getting sickness after sickness.  This isn't a pity post, I'm just sayin' we're a little tired of being cooped up in the house.  We're ready for some warmth and sunshine!  Remember that post where I said we loved snow?  That happy feeling is gone. ;)
I'm just extremely thankful that my kids are pretty happy while they're sick and when they don't feel well, they conk out at night...for the most part.  I can only think of one night that Aiden woke up in the middle of the night wanting some cuddling and a bottle.

Aiden failed his hearing test(he needed to be checked since he'd been in the NICU) so we ended up at the doctor's office to see if he had an ear infection.

Who knew the doctor's office could be fun?  I never leave wishing I could stay longer...

 Turns out, small ear canals+ear wax=not that great of hearing.  We go back to check his hearing in another week so hopefully the ear wax was the only problem.

Among all of this sickness stuff, we've managed to have a little fun.  Like the superbowl!  What an intense game...
This is what the kids did while the adults were yelling.  If you can't tell by Clayt's shirt, we were rooting for the losing team. :)
It's been pretty dang cold here(hello, I had to go deliver something this morning at 7:00AM and froze my tooshy off, almost literally), so I have zero desire to bundle up the kids to go play outside.  Our outlet?  McDonalds!  Thank you indoor playground.  Thank goodness their chicken nuggets are so healthy for us.

Oh, and laundry baskets have been pretty fun as well.

 Remember when I posted this picture of Patrick around the same age?  That year and a half sure went fast...
I'm beginning to think all my kids will look nothing alike.

Cross your fingers we start getting some warmer weather around here.  30 degrees would be nice...we have to be a little realistic.

1 comment:

  1. I understand just how miserable you are! I've totally been there and I'm thankful I've managed to avoid it so far this year. If you need 30 degrees, come visit us in Twin. We got that. :)
