Monday, November 4, 2013


A lot of little things happened in October that I didn't get around to documenting so prepare for a lot of pictures and randomness to get everything in one post.

We were lucky enough to have a few days of reaaally good weather so we took advantage of that and went to the park.  When we move, I'm really going to miss having two parks within walking distance.  Have I mentioned we bought land and are going to build our very own house?  Yeah, I'm excited, too.  Considering our dream house requires a little saving for, don't plan on an update on that until next year.

It was super bright, obviously, but I just liked this picture for some reason.

His eyes...I could stare at him all day long but that might look weird, and slightly creepy.

Yeah, I don't know.  I wanted a picture of Patrick so I made him sit in the street...His smile is pretty cute though.  Every time a car would start to get close to us he'd run away from the street and yell, "Oh no! Cars!"  I think we've effectively taught him that it's better not to get in their way.

If you can't tell, I always go to the park when it's extremely bright outside.  Patrick has finally decided the swings aren't terrifying and wanted to swing all afternoon.  I put Aiden in the swing and he took to it right away.  Great afternoons at the park will be missed.  This cold weather is really working down my mood.  Can winter be over yet? ;)

Also, I mentioned in my last post that I played for a rock production.  I was really excited(insert sarcasm) when I heard they were painting our faces and doing our hair but I ended up just going with it all and really enjoyed being apart of the whole experience.  In a weird way, I'll miss the long, late hours of rehearsals and shows.  Brought me back to college days for a little bit. :)  And some...all...of those guys could really sing.  Being surrounded by great musicians who lay it all on the table in a performance can be really exciting.
Jon Peter Lewis, McKenzie Zenger, Me, David Clay, Maddie Stephens, Garret Sherwood
Kami had a big surprise birthday party and I was lamo and got a total of one picture.
Luckily someone took a picture on their phone so we have a picture of the gang.  Happy 30th Kami!

Oh, and we can't forget Halloween!
 Cute baby+cuddly animal costume=perfection

 These faces make life so worthwhile.

I tried to free hand a Mater truck for Patrick but it only kinda worked...but, I tried.

Maybe my next post will be an update on the boys since they seem to be changing so much.  I'll probably mention how Aiden is pulling himself up to stand against things all. the. time.  Persistent little guy.
Or how Patrick is speaking in sentences more and more.  He sorta has his own language so a sentence might sound something like this: "Mom!  Me ma wants a ma bread." Meaning, "Mom!  I want some bread."  It's adorable.  And I might go into more detail on how it makes my heart melt every time he says, "Tank you mommy."  Even when he's sick and can't keep a thing down, he still thanks me for bringing him some 7UP.  Sweet little man.

But, that detail overload is for the next post. :)

1 comment:

  1. Your rock concert picture looked cool! You look so great! You are doing so great! I love your family. Your boys are just so adorable. I can't get enough of them. ever. :D
