Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sleeping Aiden

There's nothing quite like watching a sweet little baby sleeping.

Technically he's not sleeping but he had just woken up so it kind of counts...
I also love it when your baby is finally big/sturdy enough to sit in the shopping cart.  Perfect little shopping buddy.  I may or may not talk to my kids the whole time I'm shopping and I may look a little crazy sometimes.  And for some reason, if I go to the store by myself and push around a cart, I still want to say everything I'm thinking out loud...but I don't.

And since we're just being random now, here is another picture of Aiden sitting and smiling.  Not an uncommon sight at our house.

Construction has begun on my mom's new addition.  Patrick loves the "coo trucks."

He's going to thank me for these pictures someday, when he's 16, and we're breaking out these books for future girlfriends.
For those curious, Patrick isn't potty trained yet.  We went a whole 3 days before I realized he wasn't quite ready..and neither was I.

Sometimes you've just got to have some naked time at your house. The boys obviously love it.


  1. I can NEVER have enough pictures of my little boys sleeping. :) Aiden is such a cutie!

  2. They are so adorable! I love peaceful sleeping babies!
