Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sometimes life just happens

I was going to have this post about how we had a really great weekend and spent some time at a cabin for a family reunion and then how we also went to Utah for a baby blessing and I was going to write how great it was to get away and have a little vacation.  But, life happened.  Instead of our busy weekend, we started getting sick on and off throughout the week and by the weekend I had sore, fatigued, cramping muscles over my whole body and couldn't move much without the help of my beloved Tylenol.  Those little white pills became my best friend.  Today is Tuesday, and the muscle pain is easing up and it feels like I just worked out way too hard.  Don't know what caused it, all I know is our fun weekend didn't happen.

I was feeling slightly disappointed and pretty useless since I could barely lift our 6 month old baby, so Jon offered to move all the furniture in our boy's room so that Patrick could move up to a normal bed and Aiden could take the crib.

I think he likes it

This week we get to go pick out matching sheets...in case the mismatching was driving anyone crazy...
  Both boys have taken to the beds really well.  No drama.  Patrick waited patiently in his bed this morning until I came and opened the door for him.  It was great.

 I just thought this picture was cute of the two sickies at the beginning of the week:
Sorry about the red eye
It would have been fun to see family but it was kind of nice to have a quiet weekend.  I am constantly planning out life, long term and day by day, and sometimes it just doesn't happen how we think.  Sometimes our bodies say we are done being busy and they give out on us.  It happens. :)  I'm just glad I have a husband that patiently listens every time I'm frustrated when things don't turn out how I think they should...which has been the story of our life for the last while.  Long while.  That's probably the story of everyone's life.

And I'm also grateful I have a husband who is fully supportive and on board when I tell him I still want to go on a mini vacation and run in a race like this: http://hitandrun5k.com/  To all family members and friends who want to run it as well, or even just watch, we'd love to have you join us. It's like a mini WipeOut. :)  Just pray that my muscles stop being dumb by then becauseI'm pretty sure I'll need them.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Aiden at 6 months


Seriously, little one?  How have you grown so fast?  This month has brought a lot of changes to your little life.  You've mastered rolling around and have decided that crawling is the new goal, which you are very close to getting.  It's so cute seeing your little bum rock back and forth as you try to get your legs to do what you want them to.  This month you've tried peaches, applesauce, oatmeal, bananas and pears.  You're a little more picky than Patrick and only liked the peaches and applesauce but we'll keep trying to get you to eat more things.  I still haven't completely jumped into giving you solids every day since I still think of you as a little baby but you're starting to lose your patience.  You love nursing or drinking from a bottle but every time you see us eating from a plate, you know that's what you really want.

Thank you Aubree(Spellbound Photography) for doing our pictures!
You are still the happiest baby I know.  You love to smile, laugh and babble!  You are talking all. the. time. and have started saying mamama and dadada.  Whenever I point to myself and say mama you think it's the greatest thing and laugh every time.  Soo cute.  You also think your brother is the greatest and laugh at him all the time.  The only time you get upset with him is when he doesn't share his toys.  You used to be happy sucking on whatever we gave you but lately you have wanted specific toys and when Patrick takes them, you get the cutest little pouty face and start crying.  

You're a great little sleeper, sleeping around 10-12 hours a night before you wake me up for food.  Naps depend on how crazy our day is, but when we're home you take 2 naps that are between 1 1/2 hrs 2 hrs. each.  Sometimes more.  There have been a few nights this hasn't been the case because I think you've started teething but overall, you are really good to your mom.

Aiden, I really don't know how to put into words how much you mean to us.  We love you and your brother more than we can express.  You brighten our days and add something to our family that we didn't know was missing until you joined us.  We love you.  Oh, I cannot say how much we love you.  Happy 6 months, little man.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Idaho State Fair

This past Saturday we decided to pack up the kids and go to the Idaho State Fair.  We almost didn't go because 1-it had been a long week of work, work, canning, work, etc. and 2-Saturday was supposed to be a nice day and the lake was calling to me.  But, Patrick has been obsessed with horses and cows and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to let him get up close to them.  I've never gone to the fair to see the farm animals but that's what took me there this year.  Unfortunately, seeing those big animals up close terrified him and I didn't get to see the excited look I was hoping for.  Isn't it funny how we always anticipate what people's reactions will be and we look forward to it and rarely does it live up to how it is in our heads.  For example:  "Hey, here's this Christmas gift that I put a lot of thought into and I hope you really love it.  Maybe even cry.  Oh, you don't like it.  Cool."

Eventually Patrick warmed up to the animals and started calling them all Little Thunder(a horse in a cartoon he likes to watch) and that was adorable.  Also, the fair had this little pony ride that made the whole trip worth it...that, and the greasy junk food.

Jon and I got our "hick" on and broke out our plaid shirts.  I think his buttons are even shiny...

 The gang.

Poor little guy was exhausted from not getting much of a nap that day.

Patrick wouldn't touch an animal without us forcing him to.  I think he cried after I took this picture.  Although, I don't think it helped that Jon started off by saying, "Look at that goat!  Careful not to get by his mouth so he doesn't bite you."

And a picture by the tractor because it's another thing Patrick loves right now, even though he doesn't look excited in the picture.

Even though we didn't stay for very long, I think we all still had fun and I definitely want to go back next year when both of our boys can enjoy it.  Even if my main reason is so that I can eat one of their yummy caramel funnel cakes.  Or a pull apart.  That was pretty good, too.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Gotta be honest...camping has never really been my thing.  The smell of campfire brings back some not so fond memories of cold, sleepless nights, a few loooong girl's camp weeks and some awkward dates.  We have little kiddos now and camping just seems like a lot of work just to exhaust ourselves.  BUT, Kami invited us to go camping over labor day weekend and I thought the idea sounded fun 1-because it's always great to hang out with family, 2-Jon has always liked camping and I think it's a good thing for our boys to pick up on that and 3-it was at Rigby Lake...which means there is water and a little man-made beach.  Beaches and water are as appealing to me as campfires are unappealing.  If I could live by a beach, I would.  Beaches, on the other hand, remind me of fun trips with the family, orchestra trips, going to Disneyland, the remedy to 6 months of intense morning sickness and my family's last trip with my dad.  Oh, sunshine, sand and ocean... I love you.

Anyway, we went camping.  And it was great.  The boys did better than expected with the whole sleeping out in the cold and on a hard ground thing.  Aiden had a little more trouble because we had some party animals in the campground next to us until probably 4 in the morning(I was totally ready to go chew some people out until I realized that would mean getting out from underneath the warmish blanket) but then he slept in until 10 the next morning so that was great.  Patrick was too cute.  He got cold and snuggled next to Jon and fell right back asleep.  I loved seeing the two of them cuddled together.  And I also loved seeing Patrick play with his cousins.
Clayt and Patrick

Oh hey, just taking a picture of ourselves after a long night.  I probably shouldn't even put this on here so that you guys don't feel bad by how attractive we look right after we wake up

We've been to Rigby Lake quite a few times this summer and each time Patrick has gotten better and better at getting into the water.  Once he had a bunch of cousins running in and out of the water, he realized it really was one of the greatest things ever and thoroughly enjoyed himself.  And he loved riding in that little boat.

Also, I finally learned how to swim on this camping trip!  I can no longer say I don't know how to swim because I'm actually pretty great at it...or at least on my way. ;)   No more doggy paddle for me.