Thursday, June 20, 2013


Last week you turned 3 months old.  It was a hard week.  You turned 3 months but it was also the one year mark from the time we lost your Grandpa Clifford...which happened to fall on Father's Day this year.  It'd be so easy for me to get lost in the angry feelings over everything that has happened but instead I want to focus on how grateful we are for you.  The grandchild named after your sweet grandpa.  You bring more joy into our lives than I could have ever asked for and we all feel like when you came to this earth, you brought a little piece of your grandpa with you.  You even smell like him.  The day your grandfather left this world was also the exact day we started counting down the 40 weeks until your arrival. You are easy going, you love to talk, you're quick to smile, quick to adapt and overall the easiest baby I could have ever asked for.  Those are traits you got from your grandpa.  I know Patrick came at a time we all needed him most and I know that you also came for a specific purpose.  You've helped all of us, little man, and we love you more than I think you'll ever understand.  I hope you always know who your grandfather is and that you take pride in the fact that you remind us so much of him.  I am so blessed to be your mother.


P.S. Your little smiles and giggles...I cannot get enough.
P.P.S  Thank you for being such a good sleeper.  It's nice being the one to wake you up after you've already been sleeping for 12 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Father's Day must've been a tough day for you. So glad you have your littlest man with you now.

    Wow, no way, what an awesome sleeper!!!
