Thursday, May 19, 2011

What else would this post be about?

Sooo...everyone has been updating their blog lately and I felt a little left out. Ok, I didn't really feel left out but I just thought I'd share what's been on my mind lately.

Get ready for it.....


I haven't updated because nothing new has really happened. Well, nothing exciting and new has happened. Pretty much my mind revolves around how my family is doing and how my baby is doing. I can say that I only have two more months of pregnancy, which is a good thing. Although, when I tell people I'm excited to be done, their automatic response is, "Well, they're more work once they're out! Enjoy the free time now." Or, "You'll wish the baby was back inside once you realize how much work he is!" I'm not annoyed by these responses but I'll be 25 before I have my first baby, for heaven's sake! It's not like I'm starting super young and haven't experienced being independent yet(yes, I know 25 isn't old). I feel ready and excited for a new chapter of my life to start and, call me crazy...and naive, but I can't wait to be sleep deprived. ;) And yes, I know I'll take back that statement once the baby's here and I'm exhausted.

As far as the baby goes, he's growing quite nicely. He weighs over 3 pounds now and likes to kick like crazy. It's nice to know he's doing well inside but sometimes it's painful! After about 20 minutes of straight kicking and squirming, I feel like a punching bag. To you experienced moms out there, I realize the pain/fun is just starting and there's lots more to come. Also, I suspect he has a low tolerance for sugar, like me, because he stops moving after I eat dessert or a piece of candy or anything with sugar in it. People used to tell me to drink pop if the baby hadn't moved for awhile because it would give him a sugar rush. Tried it. Doesn't work. I drank that "pop" for the glucose test, which is pure sugar, and then did an ultrasound right after and the baby was knocked out. The doctor was giving us a free 3D ultrasound and the baby wouldn't even wake up long enough for us to take a decent picture of him! No amount of poking and prodding would get him out of his deep sleep. Anyway, from what we could see of his face(since half of it was buried in my placenta-his favorite pillow) it looks like he'll have chubby cheeks and a big nose. I have no idea where the big nose came from... Really, the baby had no chance with Jon and I as his parents.

For a quick update on my dad: he just had his second round of chemo and is feeling the effects of that. I would say people have a love/hate relationship with chemo. Anyway, they'll get blood results back on Monday and then we'll know if the chemo is still doing it's job fighting the cancer. We just continue to pray for the best!

1 comment:

  1. People ALWAYS said the same thing to me when I was pregnant. I always looked at them like they were dumb, I wanted a baby so I could hold and take care of him, not keep him in my belly! Doesn't even make sense! Anyways, ultrasounds are the best! I hear ya in the nose department, poor kids don't stand a chance! Anyways, I love belly pictures, I am putting in a personal request for MORE!
